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User Info | You Must Like Your Daily Sex; entered at 2020-05-18 07:45:17 | |||
Ronniemcghee Posts: 751 Registered: 2012-07-28 Miramar Beach FL |
There is simple chemistry behind obesity and negative outcomes from Covid-19. Fat cells release adipokines. One of these is adiponectin which is very protective of our body. It reduces inflammation/suppresses inflammation. It suppresses cardiac diseases. It suppresses metabolic disorders... among a lot of other benefits. However, when a body has more fat cells than necessary (i.e. obesity), this causes a significant decline in the release of adiponectin; called an autocrine feedback mechanism. This in turn causes a cascade of related health issues that weaken the body's immune system and increases the potency of the virus in attacking critical organs/systems. [Drbeen Medical Lectures] See the study by Nigro, ~ New Insight Into Adiponectin Role in Obesity and Obesity Related Diseases. 2020-05-18 07:45:17