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| Get Your Mouth Off His Schwantz; entered at 2019-07-27 15:21:17 |
Posts: 1175
Registered: 2007-07-30 NE WA state
From the 2019 Medicare Trustees report (HI is the hospital part of medicare (part A))
In 2018, Medicare covered 59.9 million people: 51.2 million aged 65 and older, and 8.8 million disabled. About 36 percent of these beneficiaries have chosen to enroll in Part C private health plans that contract with Medicare to provide Part A and Part B health services. Total expenditures in 2018 were $740.6 billion, and total income was $755.7 billion, which consisted of $745.9 billion in non-interest income and $9.8 billion in interest earnings. Assets held in special issue U.S. Treasury securities increased by $15.1 billion to $304.7 billion.
Short-Range Results
The estimated depletion date for the HI trust fund is 2026, the same as in last years report. As in past years, the Trustees have determined that the fund is not adequately financed over the next 10 years. HI income is projected to be lower than last years estimates due to lower payroll taxes and lower income from the taxation of Social Security benefits. HI expenditures are projected to be slightly higher than last years estimates because of higher-than-projected 2018 spending and higher projected provider payment updates, factors that are mostly offset by the effect of lower assumed utilization of skilled nursing facility services.
The Trustees are issuing a determination of projected excess general revenue Medicare funding in this report because the difference between Medicares total outlays and its dedicated financing sources6 is projected to exceed 45 percent of outlays within 7 years. Since this determination was made last year as well, this years determination triggers a Medicare funding warning, which (i) requires the President to submit to Congress proposed legislation to respond to the warning within 15 days after the submission of the Fiscal Year 2021 Budget and (ii) requires Congress to consider the legislation on an expedited basis. This is the third consecutive year that a determination of excess general revenue Medicare funding has been issued, and the second consecutive year that a Medicare funding warning has been issued
I dont remember anything about Trump or Congress addressing this at all ?
And I admit I dont understand much of this - they have $300 Billion in special Treasuries which increased last year but they're going to run out in 2026 ? But they also say they have 200 Billion in bonds ?
Confusing as hell other than the 2026 part. I also like how they project 4.7 percent GDP growth annually till the 2026 date.
2019-07-27 15:21:17