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User Info The Bill To Fix Health Care - Permanently; entered at 2017-04-01 22:13:31
Posts: 210831
Registered: 2007-06-26
To everyone who attempted to straw man my argument with cost concerns and saying I dismissed Karl's cost constraining measures- allow me to clarify: I did not. I thought it went without saying a Nordic-like single payer system would of course contain all of the sane and necessary cost saving mechanisms like allowing the single payer - the US government - to negotiate favorable prescription drug prices just like the rest of the world.

Uh huh.

Let me point out that your famed Nordic nations still pay $50,000 for a $200 drug. Sure, it's better than $80,000, but will it matter at 8% acceleration? No. Not by more than a year or two.

Oh, and you believe the same US Government that has refused to enforce 100-year old law for the last 35 will magically start "negotiating" -- at least as well as the Nordics? Never mind their "negotiation", which is only half the shaft instead of the whole thing.

This sort of insanity is why we're in this mess. Go run it somewhere else.
2017-04-01 22:13:31