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User Info | Driverless Cars (and Trucks): Caution; entered at 2015-05-11 10:08:21 | |||
Tdurden Posts: 1318 Registered: 2015-01-29 |
You'll never have the option of even the most advanced driverless car that you own take you home if you're drunk. No way the DUI industry let's go of that kind of power. There is just too much money to be lost. As I've read here and other places, they can, do and will arrest people and convict them for just sleeping while intoxicated in a parked car. Hell, I've heard anecdotes (which I have been unable to verify) of people being arrested for just having keys and accessing the interior of the vehicle while drunk. No way having the real life version of KITT is going to stop cops from making their arrest quota.
2015-05-11 10:08:21