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User Info | Medical Care And Medical Choices; entered at 2012-01-08 13:56:52 | |||
Howardnyc Posts: 152 Registered: 2007-11-01 nyc |
i am proud of you and happy you changed your life by altering your diet and activity. not surprised, though. that kd stubbornness and hard headed-ness comes in handy. great pictures. thanks for sharing this, and it will be personal inspiration for me. howevah losing the weight is hard work. keeping the weight off (which is but the primary symptom) and maintaining the life changes is harder work. i wish you and everyone else the best in the tougher job of continuing to eat healthy, real food, keep those refined carbs at a minimum, and continuing that daily exercise. the follow through has been my downfall a couple of times; i've regained large chunks of hard-lost weight. gotta keep it off. as usual, the rare good advice i have to offer applies doubly to myself. congrats, kd. 2012-01-08 13:56:52