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User Info What *IS* This Nonsense? (Electric Cars); entered at 2011-05-17 02:16:12
Posts: 2486
Registered: 2010-06-26 Tujunga Ca
All this Ecar bs is going by by with Obama just like the hydrogen car left with Bush. All of this car stuff is covered in the
BOSCH Automotive Handbook.Read it,comprehend it,read it agian.

E cars = battery hell
Hybrids energy change of state working against you. It is what it is,sorrey.
Ethenol is not compatible with our infrastucture. End of story.
Hydrogen has 4 problems Density,storage,loss and production.
Compressed air cars could launch from a ruptue over a 3 story buildings in a single poff. add that to a propane truck.
Synfuels problems are political. The others have real problems.

2011-05-17 02:16:12