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User Info | In Defense Of Wage And Environmental Parity Tariffs; entered at 2010-09-28 11:01:55 | |||
Rickysa Posts: 2457 Registered: 2007-08-22 Southern Pines, NC |
So, for a Pooh Bear like me, .gov imposes high tariffs on goods produced in countries that don't abide by our wage/enviornmental laws...and the Fed makes (low interest) money available for companies to build those products here. We get jobs, higher wage base, production, and a way out (?)... Who gets hurt by doing this? Would it help lessen the carnage expected by doing all the other things discussed on this forum (making banks eat their losses, many going bankrupt, etc,) Last modified: 2010-09-28 11:04:13 by rickysa