I said slaughter and I mean it.
They have ordered the slaughter of millions of chickens, allegedly for bird flu.
Bird flu is real. Avian influenza is nothing new and has been a problem almost-literally forever. So what?
Many of the birds who get it will die. Again, so what?
Those that survive will have immunity to that strain; if some of them are allowed to reproduce (that is, lay fertilized eggs that are hatched) that is good, not bad, as that's called "natural selection" and is how improvement in a species takes place.
That "big ag" has basically become a mono-DNA species in several areas (egg-laying and meat chickens being two of them) isn't justification for USDA policy. Those "farmers" who purchase and use such mono-DNA chicks get what they deserve just as do those who buy purebred puppies that have wildly-higher risks of various musculoskeletal and other conditions as a result of repeatedly playing "**** your sister", whether by artificial or "natural" means.
Avian influenza, of course, by its name is not limited to chickens. So are we going to kill all the ducks, pigeons, pheasants, blue jays, robins, sparrows and similar?
No? Well why the **** not? After all if you have chickens in your back yard, or the local industrial farm has them for either meat or eggs they don't interact with other chicken farms and other chickens, obviously, or they wouldn't be on your farm anymore.
So how does it get between those places? Only two possibilities: The humans are working at more than one farm (that can be prohibited, duh) or the wild birds are spreading it from place to place via their scat which they drop as they fly and which there is no way to prevent.
But since avian influenza is a virus it requires active, living cells to reproduce. If you eat the chicken (after cooking it) or the eggs (after cooking them) there is no risk to you, even if the chicken had it and even if you could get it, which you might be able to, but probably can't.
Thus the only sane thing to do is (1) prohibit workers from working at more than one chicken facility whenever there is influenza activity in the avian species in question and (2) allow the infection to run, replace the birds that die, and continue onward.
Not cull (kill) every bird in a state or region as that denies natural selection its proper role in attenuating future outbreaks.
Mass-culling a disease that does not pass to humans has no preventive purpose and serves only to create shortages and screw people.
Which thus, by manifest evidence, was their intent.
Thus we should slaughter those responsible -- asset strip every one of them including all their family members and throw them all in prison.
This sort of **** has no epidemiological value and in fact it has negative value as you want chickens who survive to reproduce as that is exactly what natural selection does and that benefits everyone -- including the species of birds in question.
In addition the use of alleged "vaccines" in poultry is epidemiologically bankrupt; all of them are "leaky" just as are human shots for influenza -- and covid, as we now know -- which means they promote the transmission of the disease to other animals, in this case birds, because they hide the symptoms of illness but do not stop acquiring or transmitting the infection. As such in the practice of animal husbandry the use of all such shots must be prohibited and anyone using them or attempting to force use of them must be immediately, publicly and summarily executed as they are and intend to cause the disease to be spread to other animals and thus are both an act of deliberate extortion, constitute Racketeering and intend to and will result in the destruction of food sources for those who refuse to bow before such extortionate pressure.
**** these malicious cock-sucking idiots in this fashion via any means whether fair or fowl.