Is Trump Serious About Illegal Immigration?
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2025-02-04 07:00 by Karl Denninger
in 47 , 275 references Ignore this thread
Is Trump Serious About Illegal Immigration?
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If he is then he must slam the door on employers' dicks.

Issue an E/O that all employers must use E-Verify.

Give all current employers 30 days to run it on all of their current employees.  Each employer already has to file a 941 quarterly to reconcile each employee with their payroll tax deposits; add one field for the E-Verify control number for each person.

If the system shows the same SSN or ITIN in more than one place send ICE to both of them to find out what's up assuming it is not facially reasonable that this is one person working two jobs.

Obviously if you see the same number coming from a bunch of places its stolen.

Go raid the workplaces.  All of them.  The one that is American?  He or she is good.  The others?  If they passed E-Verify then arrest and deport the employee -- and bar them permanently for felony identity theft along with their illegal entry.

If the E-Verify control number isn't there or its fraudulent then everyone in the executive suite of the company goes to prison for five years per employee per 8 USC 1324(a)(3) and the illegal(s) get deported.

People try to evade this using 1099s?  Nope; anyone paying people on 1099s must either (1) run E-Verify for each person they pay on a 1099 or (2) use a job shop which they identify and the job shop must E-Verify each and every person.

If the job shop cheats imprison all of their executives.

I've worked directly on a 1099 basis and also through a job shop and in both cases I had to identify myself in exactly the same way I did as a W-2 employee and prove my bona-fides.  I know the same is true today for legitimate job shops because I know people who work for them and every single one of them had to provide the expected and usual identification including a Social Security card and evidence of citizenship such as a "Real ID" driver license or Passport.

This is not complicated; you can essentially render all illegal alien employment uneconomic and impossible inside of 90 days.

Let's see if Trump means it or if this early-on stuff with Homan is all for show.

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