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Jesjohn94 1k posts, incept 2019-05-07
2025-01-27 07:58:02

I'm still not convinced that something that you might genuinely call AI isn't 50 years from reality. Where is the service that people are going to buy? We all drive cars. There is no chance self driving can happen safely. Even if it could I wouldn't pay thousands of dollars for it. I am forced to use online and phone customer service AI and they are complete dog **** outside of very simple use cases. I struggle to see any real value from social media using AI to give you cat videos and propaganda. I don't see AI replacing doctors anytime soon. Big tech is excited about AI as a way to scam you. They dream that you just let them decide what you buy. Cars, flights, hotels, TV's, computers, phones, services. It's not going to happen. So this new cheap tool is as good as those 100x more expensive? That means it's still dog ****. What we call AI today will make my life easier and integrate services better with my phone. That's great but it doesn't genuinely create a double or triple in already expensive stock prices. The best use case for tech which might come within AI is education. We could already do that. It won't happen until someone comes up with a way to charge more instead of having prices collapse 80%. We've built so many bubbles that everything is so expensive now. This is why birth rates have collapsed. We need a reset but that will destroy most with debt. What we'll continue to get is the establishment kicking the can down the road. The market will drop today. Just wait for the articles saying this is chance of a lifetime to buy the dip. Trump won't be able to resist adding his genius to the mix.
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