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 Amendment 14
Chromehill 1k posts, incept 2010-03-03
2025-01-26 08:00:26

It will be very interesting to see how John Roberts tries to weasel out of this one.

The amendment is very clear that a baby born of an illegal alien is not granted US citizenship. Couple that with Senator Howard's (author of the amendment) own words regarding the intent of the 14th and the case law regarding citizenship (Wong Kim Ark), it should be a slam dunk that Trump's EO is legal.

Possibly Roberts weasels out of a ruling by pointing to the 5th clause of the 14th, and ruling it is up to the congress to address the issue of citizenship and not the President. If that were to occur, Trump should refuse to sign any legislation until congress addresses the issue and that anchor-babies are illegal.

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