As With So Many Problems.....
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2025-01-07 07:00 by Karl Denninger
in Corruption , 344 references Ignore this thread
As With So Many Problems.....
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.... its not one thing, its a bunch of things, all of them felonious that are linked together.

For example, look at the situation around any resort town.  Skiing is the obvious one in the news right now, but hardly the only one.  I've written on the Mackinaw City issue before (and while there is indeed skiing in Northern Michigan, there sure isn't right there!)

Ditto for Destin; I lived in that immediate area for 20 years.  The various tourist and eatery places were staffed with locals who lived in the area. This got harder and harder over the years as what was reasonably affordable on a working wage got "redeveloped" and turned into much-more glitzy rental apartments and such.  By the time I left the younger working age person had no chance, even with a roommate, of being able to reasonably afford an apartment.

So what did they do?  They brought in a huge number of J-1 visa holders; I went back not all that long after leaving and the difference over just a year's time was stunning.  Places where I had hung out to eat and drink were all full of J-1 visa employees; literally all of the patron-visible people who used to clearly be locals were gone.  I have no idea what the back (e.g. kitchen) looked like but it was shocking -- and exactly what happened in Mackinaw City.  There, incidentally, I am aware of exactly two places you can go to have a beer and a bite and have the service and others there be local, authentic people.


Where do the J-1 visa folks live?  Obviously hot-racking in housing conditions no American would put up with but certainly its better than what they had in their original place, right?  This depresses wages directly and permanently destroys those jobs for local people unless, of course, your argument is that Americans should accept plantation-style housing as reasonable.  If that's your suggestion then may I suggest you shove a hot poker up your own ass.

The fundamental problem with this sort of thing is that a huge part of the reason to travel to and enjoy such places is the original charm of both the place and people and absent the latter the former is as fake and gay as the spambot "engagement" on social media that appears to be a beautiful young woman but is actually an ugly, fat male scammer in Indonesia or Nigeria.

If the "rich" want to do things that are fake and gay catered to by other people who embraced fucking their own local residents up the ass, displacing them in favor of cheap imported labor, let them.  I'm not paying for inauthentic bullshit delivered by a bunch of fucking scammers who have destroyed what used to be an excellent and authentic experience and then fraudulently peddled their "replacement" to me exactly like they replaced the people who made the experience authentic in the first place!

More-seriously however are places where active conspiracy between parties is used to bone Americans in the ass.  I'm speaking of the so-called H-1b visa mess which is absolutely not just limited to H-1bs, although there are plenty of abuses there.  This also extends into virtually every single university in the United States which accepts foreign students who pay full price and then conspire together with employers to do "OPT" post-graduation.  The F-1 visa is non-resident and does not allow work but that is subject to circumvention as well through what is called "CPT" which was intended for fields such as medical students where a certain amount of practicum is mandatory.  It has since been wildly abused including some institutions setting it up from the first day of class effectively having the "student" be employed and thus displacing a US worker.

OPT is even worse because it is an exploitation of foreign students who in fact are after a path to US residency.  The intent of allowing someone to come here to study isn't that and yet.... it is.  From OPT you can get an H-1b visa which then locks you to that employer and now the abuse train is on the track.  Of course there's also plenty of fraud in there too, but that's not the real issue.

The real issue here is that universities are all-in on this but they don't clearly and fairly disclose to Americans that they're taking debt and thus are wildly disadvantaged in the marketplace for jobs compared with the F-1 admissions who then will compete with them via OPT and H-1b employment, a path that inevitably suppresses wages.  In other words the universities and employers get together and fuck young Americans up the ass.

This, by the way, is supposed to be illegal in that 15 USC Chapter 1 covers any attempt to monopolize or fix prices and labor is a thing that is priced.  You're supposed to go to prison for that shit especially when you're doing it and don't disclose up front to every American who applies to your college that you, and every other university, are deliberately screwing said American's job prospects while demanding they pay you.

Incidentally the FERAL Government then adds to this via direct conspiracy with the colleges through the FAFSA, extorting the young adult's parents.

Oh, you say, "but I'm not a white American working in tech so I don't care."  That's very nice of you to profess "I don't give a shit who gets fucked as long as its not me" -- by the way those white Americans are choosing not to have any children because they know their kids will get fucked so exactly who do you think will wipe your ass when you get older and gray -- or provide the funding for various things when you can't anymore?  Yeah, when you get fucked as an indirect result of your pigheaded bullshit I will laugh at the result.

How about "climate change"?  Let's cut the bullshit: The earth has been cooling for nearly 500 million years; the "recent" warming cycle -- and yes, its a cycle, began 22,000 years ago in which zero SUVs existed.  No "model" has predicted a single thing that has happened with any accuracy; every single alarmist claim has not proved up.  The recent screaming about "greater" storm impacts is a lie and there is hard scientific proof of this.

However, every piece of this policy has wildly raised your cost of living and when it comes to wind and solar have destroyed the environment on top of it; you need only look where forests have been and are being clear-cut to put in solar panels and the eyesores of both wind and solar, audiosores and wholesale slaughter of birds caused specifically by windmills, never mind that the materials used to make both are not economically recyclable at all and both forms of energy require wildly more land to host them compared with coal, natural gas and nuclear power.  Coal, in addition, can quite-easily have the thorium in it, which is what causes lung cancer from its combustion, separated out and there is 13x as much fission-based energy in said thorium as there is in the coal itself so on the economics using that for nuclear fuel is not only common sense its also makes economic sense.  If you like getting fucked in the ass then I suppose all this "green shit" is fine but that's exactly what it is predicated on a deliberate con job that those running it use to get rich at your expense particularly when they start banning or taxing carbon-based fuels and transportation.  Every bit of it is fraud.

Now let's do "Dreamers"; the advocates say they did nothing wrong but their parents did.  Ok, let's accept that except that this excludes any person beyond the age of reason when they crossed, which is roughly 13-15 (we can argue exactly where, but it is definitely in that range if not younger.)  The first problem is that most want to extend it to 15-17 year olds who crossed illegally.  No; they knew damn well they were not coming in legally so yes, they did something wrong and they knew it.

But the larger issue is this: Let's say your father robs a serious of banks (or some other institution.)  He manages to get away with it for a while and gives you $500,000 from the robbery.  Then he dies.

You do not get to keep the money even though you didn't do anything wrong personally and every single one of the "Dreamers" got a lot from that unlawful act whether it be schooling, medical care or simply the infrastructure they enjoyed here in the United States but had no claim to.  This amounts to hundreds of thousands of dollars per person and you cannot argue they have a right to keep it -- they clearly do not any more than you get to keep the money if you Dad robs a bank and gives you some or all of it.  Those who argue otherwise are thugs who are demanding you pay for someone else's criminal act and indirectly pay those who were beneficiaries of it, specifically the Dreamers.  That's theft, yes every "dreamer" who demands this is in fact demanding to be able to steal from every citizen of this nation unless they are offering every single dollar that was spent from public funds on them during their childhood here, along with any and all evasion of legal employment and taxes that should have been paid from same which of course none of them are.  They're all lying and thieves, in short, their claims are frauds and thus fuck that shit all actual Americans must refuse until and unless all those funds are paid in full by EACH such "dreamer" on an individual basis FIRST.

The basic problem with all of this winds up in collusive practices (which are illegal when they lead to price discrimination, and they do in every caseand that the state and local governments love it because it leads to increased tax collections.  The same situation exists with the medical system; it's illegal to discriminate on price in the way it is currently documented every time you get an "Explanation of Benefits" and in addition that statement, which shows a wildly-higher "original price" is an element of extortion as well in that it is a threat to screw you for 5 or even 10x the price unless you buy someone's insurance acceptable to the institution.

That addition flow of money, of course, drives up property values and thus tax revenue both directly (income taxes from people and corporations) and property taxes (more expensive property = more revenue.)  That collusive behavior of this sort is per-se felonious doesn't matter to the government, nor do the lies on the H-1b visa applications which are well-documented and each and every one of them is supposed to get the people in the firm who do it and are aware of it years in federal prison.

The only way you will ever see any of this stopped is when FEAR comes back on the table for those who commit these abuses.  The university provost doesn't fear being locked up, the employers don't fear being locked up, the doctor and hospital administrator don't fear being locked up and those providing aid, comfort, housing and similar to illegal aliens also don't fear being locked up despite felony criminal federal laws being implicated and thus the abuses continue because our government refuses to prosecute on a blanket basis.

Thus it comes down to one simple question: Will Americans demand those prosecutions, in each and every case occur and thus those people will fear going to prison and if the government continues to refuse then the question becomes whether Americans will impose punishments on those they can identify as plausibly guilty themselves and on government employees with a duty to enforce said laws who refuse because if they do neither then you and your children are not being financially raped, you are having SEX and obviously taking PLEASURE in being screwed blind BECAUSE YOU ARE CONSENTING TO IT.

When you boil it all down facts are that just in medical alone 15% of your cost of living is stolen; that's the difference between what medical care was before all the illegal scams took hold as a percentage of GDP and what it is today.  Now add up everything else such as car insurance which is wildly elevated due to illegals driving without it and schemes between car makers and insurance companies to mandate expensive things that raise cost, the various schemes that increase the cost of housing, suppress wages and similar and its entirely reasonable to believe ONE THIRD of every dollar you earn is stolen via these schemes.

By the way if you think you can evade this by, for example, telling the medical system to go blow goats and become your own doctor (which for most things is probably better than what they'll do to you anyway both in cost and results) you're wrong because every single thing you buy has all of this scam in it and while you can evade it personally for many things you can't evade the cost it adds into every other business by having it happen to everyone else, including those who work at or are in the supply chain of those firms.

In other words until and unless you force it to stop, whether peacefully or otherwise, it will continue to expand and eventually render the average American both penniless and homeless in a land where the newly-imported worker literally shits in the street while others groom your 10 year old daughter as an intended subject of rape (just look overseas in a formerly-white majority and peaceful society for an example of THAT.)

So which will it be America?

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