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 As You Are Waking Up.....
Ewtnewbie2 389 posts, incept 2021-09-13
2024-11-28 09:30:50

Enjoy the Trot and fun times afterward. Hoping fir a PR in the 5k for you despite the likely poor conditions you discussed earlier.

As for the article, you made no mention of how the Natives provided all the food and took care of the stupid whiteys when they failed. Socialism good, capitalism bad. Whitey is weak, minority strong! You NEED someone to care for you, you cannot do it yourself. THAT is the real message of Thanksgiving, at least the version taught by the sexual predating, gender confused, green haired liberals that currently preside over our school system.

Please God, let the schools return to reading, writing, and arithmetic as foundations in the early years, followed by critical thinking, economics, financial literacy, and history in the middle years. Additional studies on the same plus HomeEc and vocational training in all four years of high school.

We MUST teach our children better if we are going to right the ship. The Pilgrims made a choice to change direction, so must our country!
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