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 A Tale Of The Market
Nashville 308 posts, incept 2018-02-27
2024-11-20 10:00:07

Implied volatility of NDVA ~8% as they announce later today. SCMI certainly more volatile. Ive traded it a few times with good gains, but made a big mistake in not placing a sell stop prior to the out of the blue Hindenburg crash. So many swirling undercurrents.

The nutz and boltz AI obituary is worthy. Maybe premature? While the bloom is off the tulip for sure, Im still long because I think SCMI selling pressure exhausted around 17. Plus, the overall market is likely to get drunk and have another dose of animal spirits going into Christmas. If SPX is to achieve 6170-ish, it will need tech help. Bah Humbug is coming, but I think it will be more like MLK Day? Timing is a bitch as always.
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