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 A Gigantic Fail
Raven 21k posts, incept 2017-06-27
2024-11-17 13:30:18

The Key part of their Big Fail was detaching from something they are good at, and trying to do something which they are not good at. This is part of competence fail in that no one there considered their operations profile. In concert with this, they forgot what business they are in. This might reveal a problem if they know that their current business is not that secure or profitable or future profitable. This compounds the problem as a business trading something it is good at for something which it is not good at, or for, while in a declining position has not the capital to forge a new competency; cheap money is also ending. Essentially they just proved that streaming is not everything, and some legacy services are better usage of network, often their own networks' capacity, for large scale live events.

Internet capacity is not unlimited and never will be.

For those who followed this event, you just got a demonstration that not everything can be free or low cost or worth paying small change.

Return of something like the DVR or VCR? Who knows, there's that nostalgia thing.

YCNU. This is about to be a lesson on selling to the market you have instead of worrying about your cost basis. No one and I mean no one cares about what you paid for something except you.

In t
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