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Dingleberry 1k posts, incept 2011-11-06
2024-11-14 08:23:17

How does medical care get stated by BLS as only 3% annual inflation or some such? And yet.....

--the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) program is expected to see a significant increase in premiums in 2025, with an average increase of 13.5%?

--Medicare part B will rise 6%....

At some point the lies have to stop...don't they? Nevermind.

Recently saw a story about a lot of Boomers going back to work not to feed themselves.....or even their kids.....but their grandkids.

I think that once Trump assumes office and unleashes the energy sector, we will get some inflationary relief, at least short-term. Recall when Brandon "won" and your gas price went up 50%, seemingly overnight. And never really went back down. As TG points out.....EVERYTHING is predicated on energy costs.


And you pink-haired commies can fuck right the fuck off.

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