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 Facts On Tariffs
Great American Patriot Threedigit 558 posts, incept 2008-01-28
2024-11-07 16:44:45

@Bozwell - Another benefit is that products that were not manufactured in the USA start being manufactured here, because it now makes financial sense to do so.

This is especially important for products that are useful in a wartime situation. If we rely on Mainland China for basic things, and then we go to war with Mainland China, we lose access to those things as soon as inventories run out.

@Neal - I agree. Additionally, anything we do to arm Mainland China weakens Taiwan's security. A very high percentage of high-end computer chips are manufactured in Taiwan. If the CCP attacks Taiwan, we immediately get a chip shortage, whether or not the USA intervenes. This would also be mitigated by some of the high-end chips being manufactured here.

摆烂 = Bǎi Lan = Let It Rot.
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