Basic Premise: Get Out, Or Else
The Market Ticker - Cancelled - What 'They' Don't Want Published
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2024-09-14 08:26 by Karl Denninger
in Musings , 585 references Ignore this thread
Basic Premise: Get Out, Or Else
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Yeah, I'll say it and I don't give a shit what someone calls me for doing so.

There are humans that are, and always will be, utterly incompatible with America.  We have let hundreds of thousands of them in under false pretense and false claims -- knowingly false claims.  The politicians who did so, the mayors, governors, cops and others who have stood back and allowed this or even suborned it, must go.  They must either leave public life and all of these people must be expelled or eventually there will be a civil war.

I am speaking most-particularly of the crazy-level invasion of Haitians but not exclusively so.  These are a people who literally destroyed their own nation over the last 200 years and have refused to do a damn thing to fix it themselves.  They clear-cut their own hillsides leading to utter devastation because they were unable to think far enough ahead to realize that a hurricane would inevitably strike because of where their nation is, and when it did, if they clear-cut the trees on said hillsides, there would be ruinous mudslides.  They had zero capacity to express time preference which is a mark of people with IQs under 80, which is incidentally incompatible with American life by any standard; these people cannot even be janitors in a modern society.

They blew up the reefs in their formerly extremely productive fishing grounds, trivially reachable with basic cloth sails or even oars and hand-hewn boats well within sight of land, to get the fish.  Rather than use hook and line or nets they used dynamite and destroyed the habitat.  Now there are no fish.  Again, the lack of capacity to express time preference led to this disaster and the privation that followed.

They do not, in their own government's offices, alphabetize records because they can't even think of doing so to make it easier to find things.  I'm not joking folks: That is reality, and if you talk to people who have worked relief there you know this is true.

The far-right hand side of their 1SD intellectual bell curve is barely capable of function within America.  If we rob those people from Haiti to here we further ruin their nation and every single person advocating for or advancing such should be charged with genocide and executed for doing so.  Haiti needs that small slice of their own people if they are to ever come out of their mess.

The Clintons -- and others -- have wildly abused this situation in the past. So have so-called "hurricane" relief efforts.  Virtually all of the "aid" after such disasters has been repeatedly stolen.  Not one entity with offices or persons in the United States has gone to prison for this, despite it being a facial violation of US law to steal funds sourced here no matter where you're going to allegedly spend them.  The nation's cities, such as they are, are wastelands of literal trash and human waste.  Their bone-crushing poverty is due to the people's own reliance on violence rather than reason, not a lack of resource; they have a land that is tropical in nature and can grow damn near anything but they have deliberately ruined it through wild-eyed mismanagement for the explicit purpose of "profit now, fuck tomorrow, and fuck you if you try to interfere" -- then tomorrow comes and there is no food because they destroyed their own capacity to produce it.

As far back as 1804 they slaughtered the French Colonists who were there along with a huge number of their own in what is rightly considered a genocide.  This is not a new problem and it is one that despite two hundred years of so-called "efforts" to provide aid not a damn bit of progress has been made because the people there either don't want it or are incapable of maintaining it.

Haiti was once the wealthiest colony in the Americas prior to its own people destroying it.  Indeed even Royal Caribbean, which spent quite a bit of their own scratch on a "private retreat" at Labadee has suspended port calls there due to violence and political instability on the island -- even within what is a quite-literal razor-wire-fenced compound.  Yes, I've been there and while they do their best to hide the fencing if you look its there.  Its not there to keep you in: It is there to keep the feral "humans" out so they cannot attack the passengers or destroy and steal what are literal basic wood hut-style structures where, during a port call, various small crafts, food and beverages are sold.

The Dominican Republic, literally next door, has a functional and materially more-prosperous and stable society.  They also successfully expelled the Haitians who previously invaded that part of the island and in fact occupied it for 22 years in the 1800s and to this day both land and sea entry of Haitians into the DR is closed and they will and do defend that closure with deadly force if required.  They have chosen not to go down Haiti's road and thus no, this isn't a racial thing, its a culture thing and a choice which despite 200 years of outside effort the people of Haiti do not wish to change.

You think this is race?  The Hell it is; the DR and Jamaica both managed to throw that crap off and out and while neither is a paradise neither descended into this sort of Hell either.  All three (and more) started with essentially the same racial stock so spare me the charge of being a "racist" when clearly you have the same race of people in three places and two of them did not turn into feral thugs while one did.  That isn't race -- its culture and a choice.

Haiti is a nation beset by gangs and routine levels of violence that would curdle your blood -- and no, you cannot take the gang out of the people who are routinely part and parcel of it and consider it their culture.  We do not possess magic dirt.  We have imported feral individuals and now we're getting that in the form of Fluffy being killed and eaten in the streets of Ohio.

Further, the so-called "businesses" that want the Haitians here (and yes there are) are cheating.  I looked into this; they are trying to pay $17.50/hr for American labor, which can work (that's $35k/yr) if there are $750/mo one-bedroom apartments.  These jobs are not "McJobs" for kids; they're no-BS adult jobs that someone could hold for a lifetime.  They then get a "deal" with an NGO, which got a direct government contract to do it and thus is being paid with your stolen money to pay $9/hr with no benefits or employment taxes because they're not an "employer" anymore (the job shop is), the job shop sticks a $2/hr override on it and makes money that way, the Haitians get $10 and $1,000 a month of direct subsidy and another $700 or so of rent subsidy.  The Haitians then live 4 to a one-bedroom apartment driving the cost of those up to $2,000 a month which instantly makes it impossible for any American to live on that $17.50/hr as that's more than half their pay.  All of these "subsidies" and game-playing are directly and forcibly stolen from the American people and the manufacturer and landlords are the ones doing the stealing.  For this they should all be destroyed and their ashes scattered to the four winds; they're screwing every actual American in the ass, on purpose, and they're gushing over how "wonderful" it is that they're literally screwing every one of their neighbors.  FUCK THEM.

ALL these Haitians must leave and ALL of this grift must STOP.  Now.  Any politician or "official" who refuses to make it so must be expelled with them back to Port-au-Prince by whatever means are necessary.  Force each and every one of them to experience the violence and privation they are bringing here into this country themselves.  Make them live in the middle of it with no guards, no weapons and having to drive their own vehicles through the melee of those who simply not give a crap about ramming your car with theirs.

No, we in America are not going to permit Fido or Fluffy to be turned into lunch by a bunch of people who cannot think their way out of a paper bag, who dynamited their own fishing grounds and ruined them for generations, who clear-cut their own timber causing ruinous mudslides then refuse to stop doing that and replant said areas, who can't even manage to keep their own power grid operating because they're riven through with violence and theft, can't find a few hundred 115IQ people among them to do the engineering required for modern society and now want to bring that level of stupidity here and expect us to accept it and accommodate them.

We must refuse and we must force all who advocate that crap out of our society.


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