Well, ok, the title is a bit harsh (and maybe not-quite accurate.)
More-accurate would be "marketing for maximum money irrespective of no-cost alternatives and without regard to risk, especially over the longer term."
The latest example of this? GLP-1 drugs such as Ozempic -- witness this puff piece:
The doctor added, "They are the ‘holy grail’ of modern-day medicine and will likely prove to have a similar impact on global health as the advent of antibiotics."
That's complete bullshit.
First, antibiotics are used intermittently for a specific infection and then stopped. Nonetheless while penicillin and tetracycline class antibiotics made a huge difference in infection treatment (as did sulfa drugs such as Bactrim) do not kid yourself as to the risk profile of many drugs in the broad class of antibiotics, particularly fluoroquinolones (anything with a "-floxin" in the name.) Fluoroquinolones are extremely dangerous in that they promote tendon ruptures which can be life-altering and limiting injuries and what's especially bad is that the rupture can and often does occur weeks or even months after the course of treatment is complete. There is no way to know in advance if you'll get nailed by that and if you do and its an Achilles that ruptures, for example, you're fucked in terms of many ordinary activities (such as running, skiing, etc.) with a months-long recovery path to even be able to walk normally.
The GLP-1 drugs have a dependence profile that makes them essentially permanent once prescribed; if you stop using them all the "benefits" you got will reverse. They also have a serious set of side effects that may not reverse with cessation of use and if you get hit by them you're in deep shit.
Every one of the so-called benefits of these drugs can be had at zero cost and with zero side effect risk simply by removing the seed oils and fast carbohydrates from what you eat. Nothing else is required. To those who say that sort of change is "impossible" or "can't be maintained" I give you my person as proof otherwise; I did this more than 13 years ago, it changed my life and I have zero desire to return to what I used to eat and my formerly fat ass and deteriorating health, all of which is permanently gone at zero medical cost.
You think not?
Ok, this took from April to November 13+ years ago:
And this was a selfie I took the other night at a ball game and posted on X:
Again -- zero pharmaceuticals involved, zero medical anything, zero prescriptions consumed for "conditions" and I'm in better athletic shape now, at 61, than I was in my 30s -- and not by a little either.
Yeah, I'm older and eventually something serious will go wrong and I will die. It happens to every one of us eventually. But as that article points out obesity and all that comes with it -- high blood pressure, diabetes and even many cancers are a function of what you put in your mouth.
The stupidity of this article is exactly the same bullshit doctors run for insulin-dependent diabetics: Eat carbs but then use the insulin to balance it. Bullshit. Insulin is highly inflammatory and thus it CAUSES damage but the body produces it because the damage is less than the damage from high glucose in the blood. The transient nature of elevated insulin in the body in a metabolically healthy person is a tolerable and necessary insult to regulate blood glucose but once you lose insulin sensitivity as a result of abusing fast carbohydrates and seed oils, just like you build tolerance to opioids by abusing them the amount your body requires to get the "desired" outcome (in the case of opioids pain relief and in the case of insulin processing and thus reducing glucose in the blood) rises and the direct and indirect damage from said substance overwhelms the benefit.
Every single physician promoting this crap should be wished their spouse and children raped in front of them just as Governor Beshear of Kentucky wished on VP Candidate Vance on national television in each and every case where you see any physician anywhere, in any setting -- yes, even when out shopping or eating with their family. That is now considered reasonable political discourse since Beshear was not instantly forced to resign and leave all public life for making that statement about Vance so you should do it too and make every single physician and other medically-related person promoting deliberate drug dependence at ridiculous cost and with outrageous levels of risk for the explicit purpose of draining your finances and with reckless disregard for the negative and in some cases permanent harm to your body from abuse of same.
TOLERANCE OF THIS CRAP MUST STOP; there is NO REASON for anyone to be polite or offer any form of forgiveness or contrition to any such individual -- ever. These people have been for decades and are today interested in one thing and one thing only: Financially enslaving you for their benefit and they do not care if you die as a "side effect." Yes, that includes those in your immediate family so either stop tolerating it and eject them from your life in all respects or suffer the consequences.