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2024-05-20 06:50 by Karl Denninger
in Editorial , 433 references Ignore this thread
Let's Make Something Clear Right Now
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none of the hype -- zero -- about "cancer vaccines" is going to work.

If you take them I predict you're going to get fucked.

Literally everyone would love a shot that prevents cancer.  In my opinion its not possible but selling people on a fraud related to it is very possible, very likely, and you will be the ones who get screwed if you fall for it.  Don't.

We simply do not understand the interactions within the immune system at a level sufficient for this to both work and be safe, it will take decades to prove both and I believe repeated failures will occur as they have in the past and, in fact, it may be factually impossible although due to the enormous amount of money to be made if success occurs lots of attempts and plenty of hype and even fraud will feature prominently.  As I have repeatedly noted there is cancer in all living things, all the time, literally from birth or before and yet it is the immune system's failure to detect and destroy those cells that leads to clinical cancer.

If you attempt to enhance some area of immune response without understanding all of it you run an extreme risk of promoting or suppressing some other area that is equally bad or worse.

That's not to say we shouldn't try but nobody, other than someone who is willing to literally bet their life by being a guinea pig, should contemplate using anything like this unless you have active cancer until it has been proved up for several decades that it is both safe and effective and the results have been replicated by uninterested, non-medical-industry funded studies with all data and results published with no redactions or tampering.

It will be literal decades from when the trumpets blow that "they did it" before you know this and if you use these drugs or shots before then you are begging to get fucked.  My personal expectation is that there is less than 1% chance this will actually be successful.

Those are shitty odds.

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