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2024-04-20 08:40 by Karl Denninger
in Musings , 528 references Ignore this thread
Do You Want The Good News Or The Bad?
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Israel "stopped the Iranian attack" so it is claimed.

Except the US has taken credit for a huge number of the intercepts, including the ballistic missiles.

You do realize how this works, right?

The domestic establishment, including the politicians and every firm that makes the elements of war, their employees and family members, are always legitimate military targets.  That means Lockheed-Martin, BAE Systems, etc. etc. etc.

Oh, I know you claim not and Geneva this and Laws of War that.

You're full of shit and if you are sleeping well at night and in that position you're stupid and may be dead stupid.

Realize something right now: America has been privileged for both the World Wars and, until fairly recently, most of the modern stuff too.  We're not privileged because we're smart -- we are privileged because there is a huge fucking ocean between us and others, and we've yet to piss off the people that actually border us enough for them to be on the other side.

That's gone now because we no longer police our borders and as a result there are likely tens of thousands of sympathizers or outright belligerents in our nation right now, all over the place, and we not only don't know who they are we don't where they are either.

We interned Japanese Americans in WWII for this reason.  We did not know if or how many of them were interested in killing the families of government officials or the families and persons making material for the war.  We had no fucking idea and no way to know with certainty so fuck that shit into the camp you go.

"Oh that was so terrible!"

Yes it was: Welcome to what actual War IS, jackass.

Want to go back further?  Let's!  You all had US History, right?  You know, the Revolution?  1776 and all?  Yeah, that.

What happened at Concord and Lexington Green?  There was shooting.  The British retreated.  The Laws of War at the time called for armies to face each other and battle it out like gentlemen.  What did the Colonists do?

They hid in the woods and sniped at the British who were retreating, which was a wild-eyed violation of the expected behavior of combating military forces at the time.  Its also a big part of why America exists.

How about Iraq?  Did the "insurgents" face down our tanks and planes in a straight-up fight?  Oh fuck no.  They planted improvised explosives where they thought we might go and triggered them under unarmored vehicles, blowing up our dudes.  Was that "unfair"?  Who the fuck cares -- it's a goddamned war you idiot!

"Rosie The Riveter" was part of why we won WWII.  Without planes, bombs, tanks, guns, ammunition and similar you lose.  Going after the civilians who make such things and the government officials who fund them and operate the various government machinery that makes it all work, you know, people like who run FedWire so you can get paid (aka all of The Federal Reserve and FDIC employees!), all the major bank employees, executives and their families and similar are all legitimate target in a war because all of them make it possible to prosecute said war.

Yeah, that.

"Oh they'd never...."  Uh huh, sure they wouldn't.

What tiny percentage of the several million so-called "migrants" have to be interested in that eventuality and willing to do that sort of thing before you decide that it was really fucking stupid and is likely to be dead stupid?

Would you like to fix the stupid now or after your spouse is raped, murdered and your children are chopped into little pieces -- since we refuse to keep our fingers out of other people's pies -- and conflicts?

That's what I thought.

PS: Most personal and business insurance, including homeowners, vehicles and similar, explicitly excludes Acts of War and Terrorism.  If those people we, including you, let into our nation burn your house and that is deemed related to the various wars and such we are involved in around the world you are not insured for that loss.

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