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2024-04-12 07:00 by Karl Denninger
in Corruption , 419 references Ignore this thread
What's Really Troubling.....
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.... isn't that cancer rates are rising in young people.  That's expected given what else we know is going on.

Accelerated aging — when someone’s biological age is greater than their chronological age — could increase the risk of cancer tumors.

That’s according to new research presented this week at the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting in San Diego, California.

"Historically, both cancer and aging have been viewed primarily as concerns for older populations," Ruiyi Tian, MPH, a graduate student at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and one of the study researchers, told Fox News Digital.

No, what is infuriating is that nobody has done a damn thing about the obvious correlating factors that have been known for the last two decades and yet both are continually not only dismissed but in many cases "celebrated."

I am speaking particularly of obesity, insulin resistance, diabetes and the combination of seed oils and fast carbohydrates, the latter two of which are known to promote both obesity and systemic inflammation.

The hope is that these findings will lead to interventions to slow biological aging as a "new avenue for cancer prevention," the researchers noted, combined with screening efforts tailored to younger individuals.

Interventions is a fancy word for "more drugs" and "more affirmations" rather than what is actually needed, which is subtraction.

Specifically, subtracting out the bullshit that one is "healthy at any size" (you are not -- you are disgustingly fat and quite likely to become seriously diseased if you keep it up), that fast carbs and seed oils are "ok" to eat in any quantity and in fact can be peddled almost-universally anywhere you eat away from home, that so-called "heart healthy" and other "health" foods can be sold with one or both of these things in them (go pick up a box of granola bars and you will find seed oils in them) and more.

Diabetes Mellitus is otherwise known as the mother of all diseases -- and it is.  Insulin resistance is detectable for a long time before your glucose or A1c goes out of range yet fasting insulin is never tested for on a routine basis.  Cholesterol is a necessary thing and part of the body's repair mechanism -- it is not the cause of disease it is the result of systemic inflammation which frequently traces to insulin resistance and it is made in the liver by the body.  And what's worse is that statins, which are often given to reduce cholesterol levels, has as a documented "side effect" causing Type II diabetes -- that is, extreme insulin resistance that manifests as actual, current and mortally-dangerous disease.

Of course nobody will go to prison for poisoning millions of Americans -- say much less anywhere else in the world -- all because its ten cents cheaper to use a seed oil than something else in your product and it is also ten cents cheaper in the restaurant yet none of those places even disclose said content in their food nor will one single medical group or physician be thrown in prison for causing -- literally -- "the mother of all diseases" in millions of Americans.

Think not?  How about a bagel?  Yeah, I know, it has gluten in it, but many people have no problem with that.  Everyone, however, has a problem with this:


There it is: Soy oil.  Why is it used?  Its a bit cheaper but the safe amount of it to consume is in fact zero.

Ok, so bagels aren't good for you (that's got 45g of carbs in one, by the way, so there's your entire 50g low-carb daily budget blown with one bagel!) so we'll reach for the granola bars instead:


Oh, that's just lovely.  "Just" 30g of carbs and that's better than 45, but note the Canola and Sunflower oil so we're back to that problem.  Oh, and "contains soy" it says, despite not being listed in the ingredients so is the oil declared actually the oil present or did they stick a "surprise" in there for you -- or is it simply the Soy Lecithin?  Finally, note the bottom: Contains Bioengineered food ingredients -- what's that?  Good question but do note that these are claimed to be a "health food" and "good for you" unlike the bagels.

Leave the carb debate out of it: The seed oil garbage and their derivatives are highly inflammatory and IMHO should not be consumed at all, but essentially every package product food maker uses it because the FDA "blessed" it by considering it "generally recognized as safe" (that's a lie), its cheaper and products made with them are shelf-stable -- that is they can be boxed without refrigeration -- and this is far more important than whether it kills you over the course of 30 or so years since nobody is ever held accountable for all the disease, disorder and death that comes from it nor do they have to truthfully label said packages that they are all extremely inflammatory and systemic inflammation is directly harmful to your health.

Another example you're going to run into in virtually any restaurant, with no disclosure?  Right here -- note the claims:

Whirl is 65% lower in saturates than butter. It also contains 5 times more polyunsaturated fat and 2 times the amount of monounsaturated fat than butter which equates to being a lot better for you. Not only is it better for your health, it is also much easier to handle and cook with. It does not spit or scorch and is easily stored, as it doesn’t need to be refrigerated.

Oh really?  What's in it?

Soybean oil, Hydrogenated soybean oil. Contains 2% or less of Salt, Sunflower lecithin, Artificial butter flavor, Beta carotene (color), Yeast extract.

That's a trans-fat and the safe amount of consumption of trans-fats is zero.  Vegetable oils are hydrogenated to prevent them from spoiling -- which also inhibits digestion and causes both inflammation and other maladies.  They're a literal heart attack in a bottle and ought to be banned -- but if you did that half the "foods" in the center aisles of your grocery store would become illegal.  Saturated fat, by the way, is not the cause of heart disease, is not inflammatory and also greatly contributes to satiation -- that is, not being hungry.  We can't have that, can we, or you won't come back for lunch!

Never mind the same sort of burying the evidence in the pharma business, which I've got an article coming out on soon with regard to one specific example which I warned against some two years ago.

And yes, I do believe, based on the data, that the so-called "magic jabs" are responsible for part of this increase as well.  But not all of it for the simple reason that while cancer rates in older people had been declining for a couple of decades but have now reversed and are trending higher, and that inflection occurred starting in 2021 which happens to be exactly when the magic jabs rolled out the rate increase in younger people pre-dates that -- and no matter what sort of magical thinking you may be infested with something can't cause an outcome when the something hasn't happened yet.

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