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 2021: The Year In Review, And A Wee Light In The Tunnel
Jackrussell 38 posts, incept 2016-12-10
2021-12-31 21:57:20

re: QUESTION on where to travel
I would like some ideas from forum members. I really want to show my spouse Italy, don't know when that will be possible. I just returned this month from a week in Mexico---had a great time, no hassles. wear a mask on public transit and buffets. Relatively quick antigen test ($24), but only to get back into the US (none to go there). My sibling just returned from a great trip to Ecuador and was stressed because she had to get a test going and coming, was hard to do in the short timeframe given. I do not know if jabbs are required to get into Ecuador, but they are NOT required to get into Mexico.
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