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 Simply Put: FUCK YOU
Hanssachs 171 posts, incept 2021-06-24
2021-08-22 13:12:19

@Boxfullofspam ,

Karl already weighed in with the uselessness of coronaVac. It was something like 52% effective when I looked at data, so it probably doesn't help fight COVID.

It does have one major beneficial feature: the adverse events data show it to be largely harmless compared to mRNA/spike mixes, like the three approved in the USA. If you're not in position to reject a mandate and need to keep your job, useless but mostly harmless beats the death stab in my book. I've had two employers who've allowed it, because they have international students. I suspect the NYC vaccine passports require the Spike vaccines; French and Italian, as obnoxious, permit natural immunity or recent clear tests, and I think also foreign vaxxes, as long as approved by the WHO.

If you had to go to Mexico, why not just pay a doctor to squirt the Pfizer into the trash, or some local who wants a free one, and keep the Vax card?
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