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 Here It Comes
Maddmaxx 1k posts, incept 2021-05-31
2021-07-23 22:08:57

"Once it becomes evident that the jabs are not stopping infections and hospitalization -- it's not side effects but DIRECT EFFECTS from infection -- the Overton Window on the jabs slams closed."

Karl, I pray you are right about this but I worry you are not. Query: what will it take to "become evident?" Shouldn't the data from the UK be sufficient to kill all these narratives? One can only hope a wave of realization rises up like a tidal wave and people finally wake up. As it was put on Berenson's twitter timeline, if the evidence is clear (and it is) that vaccinated individuals are getting the virus, carrying the virus and transmitting the virus, where is the rationale for making this anything but an individual choice? Unfortunately, the reality is actually the opposite of the narrative, the vaccinated will drive the oncoming waves as asymptomatic spreaders and will force mutations, quite possibly to a more virulent virus.
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