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 Science Catches Up -- And Burns You All
Robodog 500 posts, incept 2011-06-12
2021-04-28 12:34:48

Regarding masks, specifically their widespread use in China:

My brother, who works for a giant (greedy) global corp, was in Shanghai circa 2009-2016 helping to setup & get operational a new manufacturing plant. He said that although some wore masks due to respiratory disease(s), i.e.H1N1, most however donned them (even while exercising) because the air was so f'n filthy. He said you could almost see the particulate crud wafting in the air there and it made LA's air (daily am smog), by comparison, look crystal clear & clean, which it isn't.

Defiance to tyrants is obedience to God. ~Franklin
...the people must fight back how they can. Reverend Syn
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