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 So You Want To Believe The So-Called 'Experts'?
Purplefang 717 posts, incept 2010-03-28
2021-03-27 10:05:26

@Mjc1960 - It's never over. This is a deliberate act of war. The virus is not the enemy. The virus is just one of many weapons being used against us. Even the vaccine looks more like a weapon than a cure. The enemy most likely already has more bioweapons sitting on the shelf just waiting for the next assault.

Other weapons being used against us are right in our face. The phones and social media companies are delivering your private information right to the enemy. The enemy has opened the border to a flood of ILLEGAL immigration. The enemy has been deliberating promoting racism to divide us. The enemy has been encouraging mob behavior to terrorize us. The enemy has been deliberately letting criminals escape justice to terrorize us. I could find more examples, but I have made my point. This is war.
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