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 The End Of Trump
Jeepguy 442 posts, incept 2020-02-07
2020-06-30 20:35:52

Well I could back even farther, remember George Washington and the whiskey tax? Yeah that good old whiskey rebellion?
That was when George Washington sent the actual military into Appalachia to kill civilians because they refused to pay this tax on whiskey that they brewed!!

Turns out it was highly illegal, because the military is not to be used as a domestic force, it is not to be used as a domestic police force, meanwhile George Washington was the biggest distiller in the country at the time! Gee I wonder if he paid his taxes?

Yes it is true that Ross Perot did get a lot of support, however it didn't split the vote as badly as some love to imagine it did!

part of what killed Ross Perot's bid for president was the fact that he went strong for a while and then backed out and then came back, he became the unsure candidate!

Perhaps it was fixed back then too! Perhaps Bernie isn't the only one that not only got told to get off stage but perhaps got bought off stage!

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