IP Cams Are Now Secure - IF You Buy This
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2018-05-23 12:59 by Karl Denninger
in Technology , 124 references Ignore this thread
IP Cams Are Now Secure - IF You Buy This *
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Might want to read this Ticker again....

As of now this problem is, generally-speaking, solved.

Your IP camera does not need to be visible from the outside.  At all.

You also never need to store its password anywhere outside -- not even on your phone.

The HomeDaemon app also never stores the password to either the camera or the HomeDaemon controller; it authenticates using a key that it maintains while running (and can be set to run in the background), and the controller, on demand, negotiates with the camera, gets the unencrypted stream, encrypts it using SSL and a private-CA secured certificate (that is essentially unbreakable), and displays it.

There remain some issues with bandwidth consumption and for that reason I'm not currently using the highest resolution stream capacity available (especially on the 2k+ cameras!) but I have managed to get the latency down to roughly 1 second, which isn't bad at all.

All this on a Pi2, which has about a quarter of the power of the newer Pi3 series.

Encapsulating with the higher resolution and lower bandwidth consumption options is being worked on, as is the ability to move the camera both to presets and arbitrarily, along with setting the camera's presets.  Those latter capabilities are, since I have the camera interface worked out, simply a matter of adding the buttons to the screen.

Are you in the business of providing home automation solutions or selling houses with so-called "smart" features?  This is the one you want.

You can not only control and monitor everything in your house with real time notifications, zero cloud storage or use (therefore nothing to steal!) but the system also integrates fully with any of the Amcrest camera family.

Look to the right for contact info; it's available right here, right now.  Buy it all and make a fortune.

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