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2021-08-21 07:00 by Karl Denninger
in Covid-19 , 3547 references
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Now the CDC wants everyone to line up for a third round of clot-shot lottery.

Note carefully: The Israel data says this will fail and kill lots of people.

Aran’s message for the United States and other wealthier nations considering boosters is stark: “Do not think that the boosters are the solution.”

That's right.  They're not.

Delta may be more-transmissible but if you're immune it does not matter how transmissible a virus is.  You either can or cannot be infected.  It's binary.  If you're immune then you're immune.  If you're not then you're not.  If you have had Chicken Pox (I have) you'd look at anyone telling you to take a chicken pox shot as if they had six heads because such a suggestion is flat-out batshit-crazy-level insanity.

The idea that somehow Delta "can" break through immunity because it is more transmissible is flat-out scientific fraud and everyone who says that and has any knowledge of viruses and immunity knows it.  They're lying, on purpose, and every one of them deserves to be locked up in GITMO as a fucking terrorist and waterboarded to within an inch of their lives.

The reason Delta is "breaking through" is either due to OAS or the fact that the vaccines never did work worth a crap in the first place to prevent you from getting infected.  Their "efficacy" was a lie but whether its due to mutational reality or the fact that we claimed "effectiveness" simply due to herd effects with the existing circulating strains at the time does not matter.

My suspicion is that there is a blend of both going on here and there is science to back that up; the mutational pattern that we have seen and the science behind it says that evasion is happening.  The "wild coding" used originally and to this day for the jabs is long-extinct; there is basically zero of that circulating anymore in the population.  It has all been subsumed by ordinary mutational process and we had every reason to believe this would happen when Covid-19 first showed up because it has happened with every other coronavirus we have studied through history -- including the closest analog SARS-1 which mutated itself out of transmission and being a threat to people.

This is much like what happens with the flu shot every year: They have to guess which specific flu strains and mutations will show up in advance.  They're never right.  Their match varies in effectiveness but is basically never 100%.  Get it (sort of) right, you get decent protection.  Get it wrong you get little or nothing.

Except: Every coronavirus in history has mutated at a high rate in the spike domain.  All of them.  We knew this and we ALSO knew before the first shot went into the first arm the strain against which the vaccines were developed -- all of them -- was extinct in the wild, having been out-competed by said mutations.

We lied about the effectiveness by taking advantage of a peak in infections for the circulating strains last winter that was already in the past.  It was a knowing, intentional lie used to get 150+ million Americans to do something with waning toward worthless effectiveness but with 100x higher risk than the ordinary flu shot or, for that matter, any other vaccine in history.

The match has continued to degrade; it is biologically impossible to win that "arms race" as the virus will continue to change, and attempting to jab people with repeat inoculations as the match gets worse and worse over time simply adds to the risk of serious adverse events including clotting, strokes and heart damage.   Note that despite knowing this there has been no change made to the formulations.  What are you going to do -- throw all the existing doses and pipeline for them in the trash every time a new mutation shows up?

What we did was fight a war that cannot be won by the means employed and any honest person knows it.  The entire fucking government and medical apparatus knew this, lied about it and continues to lie today.  All of them.

They KNOW they're full of shit.

Rather than accept this fact and focus our attention on determining the most-effective ways to interdict infections early in people with a goal of allowing the infection to course its way through the population while not killing the victims or sending them to the hospital we instead took an utterly insane approach that focused on the idea that we could prevent people from getting the virus at all.  Whether that was masks (worthless since the virus is a tiny fraction of the size of the filter media and goes right through it), lockdowns (pointless; all you do is delay the inevitable) and now vaccines we keep being beaten around the head and shoulders by the virus which follows the laws of physics and undergoes natural mutation whether we like it or not.

I believed I might have had Covid-19 in January of 2020, even though I tested negative for antibodies several months later.  As it turns out my later antibody testing (negative) was correct and not a defective test; whatever I had in January of 2020 it was not Covid-19.

But now having had Covid-19 (almost-certainly Delta too) and knowing damn well it was Covid-19, and surviving it, it is a clearly-distinct infection that I could not possibly mistake for anything else.  That I was infected with Covid-19 is known scientific fact as I was previously IgG negative as of a couple months ago but now, following recovery from said suspected infection, am IgG positive.

Having had the infection and now having found IgG antibodies by test I am now known robustly immune to any and all variants; the immunity built from natural infection is conserved across the various epitopes of the virus in all cases because the "N" portion of the virus, which has to remain more-or-less intact for it to be able to be a virus, forms the backbone and bulk of the immune response built following natural infection.

I am not afraid of Covid-19 at any level any longer.  I am the exact person you want to employ to work in a hospital or nursing home full of very high-risk persons for severe Covid-19 because I am sterile to the virus; I can neither get it or give it to anyone.  Of course we would have to negotiate terms; money is not, I suspect, among the ones hospitals and nursing homes would have trouble with.

This is not true for any of the vaccines, it was a critical error in what we did and it is why we are now seeing escape.  It is not breakthrough folks, it is escape due to mismatch between the coded antibodies and circulating virus and it will both continue and accelerate as the match inexorably continues to degrade between what circulates and the original "wild type" out of Wuhan, which is what's coded in ALL the jabs and which is long extinct.  What's worse is that if OAS or ADE really come out to play on top of it then if you have not been naturally infected and have been jabbed you are in for a world of shit if you get challenged by the virus in the wild.  Even very, very small enhancement percentages from ADE-style reactions can completely overwhelm any sort of treatment possibility at all.

We do not yet know if this is happening as we are deliberately not autopsying and investigating cases where someone was vaccinated, got infected anyway and then rapidly crashed going from being moderately ill to in an ICU or dead within 72 hours.  There are multiple reports of this happening already.  If this was someone who had a defective immune response then that's very unfortunate but it does happen.  We had damned well better prove that, however, and we're not going the pathology work to do so.  If it turns out that said person did in fact build a proper immune response then these cases are either OAS or ADE-enhanced disease and while this outcome is clearly not universal in those who got jabbed if it is happening even once in a while we had better figure it out right fucking now or there is going to be a pile of dead bodies this fall and winter and it will be the direct responsibility of those who advocated for and in fact are trying to, in many cases, FORCE mass-jabbing of the population that caused it.

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2021-08-02 07:00 by Karl Denninger
in Covid-19 , 43634 references
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I warned everyone.

Now even CNN is on it, although they (like SAGE) think we're smarter than nature -- and evolution.

They write that some variants that have emerged over the past few months "show a reduced susceptibility to vaccine-acquired immunity, though none appears to escape entirely."

But they caution that these variants emerged "before vaccination was widespread," and that "as vaccines become more widespread, the transmission advantage gained by a virus that can evade vaccine-acquired immunity will increase."

In a word: Duh.

I know I've been banging on this drum since Covid-19 started but it is no-less important today, especially in the context of holding people accountable for killing several hundred thousand Americans and the economic destruction they brought upon the nation.

To be sterilizing a vaccine must prevent infection.  Since you never get infected you never replicate the virus and thus do not shed it.  If you do not shed it the potential path of the viral life-cycle for that particular infection ends with you and thus you cannot pass on or cause a mutation. You are sterile against that disease; from the point of view of the virus you are a lifeless rock.  Among commonly-used sterilizing vaccines are MMR (measles, mumps and rubella), Varicella (chicken pox), OPV (oral polio) and others.  The only time that such a vaccine fails is when you do not build immunity (such as due to immune compromise.)  This is extremely rare and the protection from such vaccines tends to be either decades-long or lifetime.

A vaccine that is not sterilizing permits the virus to infect you and replicate and as a result you can infect others.  Technically it is not a vaccine at all (which by definition prevents infection); it is a prophylactic therapy.  Such a "vaccine" instead acts to reduce or eliminate symptomatic disease.  You don't know you're sick and you don't get sick.  You don't go to the hospital and you don't die.  Unfortunately since you don't know you're sick but are infected and the virus is both replicating in you and shedding you are more-likely to spread the infection to others.  All of the current Covid jabs are in this category and so is, for that matter IPV (injected polio vaccine -- the original Salk discovery.)

During the original vaccine trials in the summer and fall of 2020 they deliberately did not test any of the recipients for asymptomatic infections.  Only a person who developed a significant illness was tested.  This has continued post roll-out with the CDC specifying that a close contact of a known case who was vaccinated did not need to quarantine or be tested until and unless they became symptomatic.  They knew damn well, in other words, that the jabs were not sterilizing but did not want that data up for public debate because then those who have read history would be likely to make the connection to the present day and thus they did their level best to hide it.  That has now blown up in their face with it being conclusively known that jabbed people in fact not only get infected but spread the virus to others.

The problem with non-sterilizing vaccines is simply this: There is no safe means of mass-use of non-sterilizing vaccines so long as transmission within the community does or is likely to exist.


There are no exceptions.

This was known to public health officials and virologists seventy years ago and is why the United States used both IPV (injected polio vaccine) and OPV (oral polio vaccine) in sequence for polio until the 1990s.  OPV produced sterilizing immunity but IPV did not.  OPV had a very small (but non-zero, about 1 in a million) risk of causing polio because it was a codon-deoptimized live virus which, on rare occasion, would mutate back to its virulent form in the human body.  So to mitigate that risk you got IPV first in the US (to prevent systemic infection; this was non-sterilizing), then OPV which is sterilizing -- that is, it prevents not only getting sick from polio but also replicating and shedding the virus, thus giving it to others along with preventing the promotion of mutations that WILL eventually escape the vaccine.

Had we done with polio what we're doing now with Covid -- IPV (non-sterilizing) use only with virus circulating in the United States -- it is very likely the virus would have mutated, escaped the vaccine and killed millions in America.  Every single so-called expert knows damn well why we didn't do that with polio and how dangerous it is to attempt it.  Indeed where polio still circulates but money is scarce they use OPV only (which is sterilizing) and accept the risk of the rare but possible active case it can cause for this exact reason.

Again: This is not a "new idea"; it was in fact the only rational path of action and known decades ago, forming the very basis of our polio vaccination strategy.  This combination strategy was necessary for polio but not for measles, for example, as the measles vaccine is sterilizing.



In addition natural infection with Covid-19 is sterilizing.  Being infected and recovering conserves the nasal and respiratory mucosal response which is where the virus enters the body.  Natural infection also conveys both "N" (nucleocapsid) and "S" (spike) antibody knowledge and T-cell recognition but the "N" knowledge is much stronger as coronaviruses have evolved to evade the immune system with the "S" portion through millions of years.  This is why they can infect you in the first place.  The "S" portion undergoes mutation at a quite-rapid rate while the "N" portion is conserved.  It was thus expected that prior infection would lead to durable (years to decades) of resistance and indeed that's exactly what we have found thus far.  Indeed in a small study it was found that this recognition extended to the bone marrow in a large percentage of cases and in those people is likely to confer decades-long if not lifetime protection.  This is not true for "S" induced immunity as it wanes rapidly and, far worse that is where the mutation is taking place and thus where escape risk lies.

It was acceptable to issue EUAs for potentially non-sterilizing jabs to be used only by very high-risk individuals -- such as those in nursing homes -- with the understanding that they will fail to provide anywhere close to complete protection and might, over time potentiate worse outcomes.  But with actual informed consent and on a limited, not population-wide basis, that was defensible.  This, of course, leaves aside the adverse event risk -- which we also know is much higher in these jabs, by a factor of 100x or more, than we have ever tolerated in any mass-use shot before.

It was ridiculously and grossly negligent entering into the territory of depraved indifference to mass-vaccinate the population with non-sterilizing jabs.  We knew very early on that eradicating Covid-19 was impossible; there are animal reservoirs, specifically felines (of all sorts), ferrets and likely others (now believed to include deer.)  We have never eradicated rabies and never will for this reason; as long as there are animal reservoirs you cannot eradicate a virus as it always has a host and a means of transmission outside of human control.

As such there was never, and will never be, a safe means to use non-sterilizing vaccines against this virus or any other coronavirus and the more jabs we deliver and attempt to compel the use of the worse the problem will get.

Eventually we are very likely to get a mutation that entirely evades the jabs.  That mutation will be caused by those who are jabbed since they are the only ones placing such mutational pressure on the virus.  An unvaccinated person who gets infected places no such mutational pressure on the virus where a vaccinated person not only does they provide the exact pathway that virologists use to intentionally select for more-transmissible, virile or both mutations -- serial passage through cells that does not kill the host.

What is potentially worse is that there is a developing body of evidence that those who previously had Covid and then get vaccinated may destroy their "N" protein recognition by doing so, ruining their previous nearly-perfect immunity.  That we did not specifically prove that this did not happen before giving these shots to anyone with prior infection is outrageous.  While the data on this is quite thin at present that there is a higher breakthrough rate in persons with prior infection than those who were infected but did not get vaccinated is what the data currently shows, which strongly implies that vaccination after infection actually screws you.

The people who did all of this did so intentionally either by willful blindness or worse, with actual knowledge -- and the so-called "public health" authorities who continue to push this instead of banning it are intentionally doing so as well.  VanderCUNT is just one example of this insanity but hardly alone -- Johns Hopkins, Harvard, Mayo, Cleveland -- they all know this is true, never mind the researchers at Ft. Detrick, the CDC and NIH.

Until and unless we prove a vaccine against Covid (or anything else that is circulating) is sterilizing it cannot be safely used on a mass-population basis.  That's the beginning and end of the discussion.  There are no exceptions, ever, period.  This was not even attempted to be demonstrated in the summer and fall 2020 Covid vaccine trials as the time period was too short to do so.  We now know, factually that in fact there are zero sterilizing and effective options among the vaccines in use -- whether here in the US or otherwise.

The only means to combat a pathogen absent sterilizing vaccination is to hit infections early and hard with whatever you have for the purpose of reducing viral load so as to produce durable, sterilizing immunity via infection.  If you reduce viral load you reduce both the risk of pathology seriously injuring or killing the infected person and also reduce the forward transmission rate, Rt, of said virus. 

Only sterilizing immunity cuts off mutation and exerting mutational pressure via non-sterilizing vaccines not only promotes mutation by removing the signal an infected person has to self-isolate and reduce transmission risk (since you don't feel ill) it nudges the virus toward codons that will escape the protection in whole or part.

In small groups of particularly high risk a non-sterilizing vaccine may be worth it but any use of one raises the risk of mutational escape and thus while attempting to protect that small group you may screw others.  Attempting to accurately determine who "deserves" to get protected while someone else gets screwed is a discussion that damn well ought to take place out in public as it is the public at large that is the recipient of the screwing if it occurs!

There remains a risk that drug resistance may arise which is why multi-drug regimes are important.  As an example HCQ+Ivermectin which was formally registered as a trial and then never actually run, is (among other options) one such potential approach.

When it comes to respiratory viruses as was the case with polio you need immunity via whatever source to take hold at the point of both entry and emission by an infected person.  This is why OPV worked on a sterilizing basis for polio where IPV did not.  IPV was injected; OPV was consumed.  As a result OPV produced mucosal immunity in the gut and thus prevented both colonization and forward transmission.  IPV, on the other hand, prevented symptomatic disease in the person immunized but did not express sufficiently in the gut mucosa to prevent infection, shedding and transmission.


If you get Covid and beat it since the point of entry is your respiratory mucosa you have strong and broad resistance focused there.  That's sterilizing in more than 9 out of 10 persons and far more-durable than jab-based immunity as well.  That is what the data tells us. 

It is wildly superior to a non-sterilizing vaccine because you are not only very unlikely to get the virus again you are also nearly-certain to be unable to infect anyone else if you do.  This and only this is what cuts off mutational pressure.

It's too late now; we're stuck with the stupid, particularly all the screaming harpies who went out and got jabbed despite being at very low risk of serious outcomes themselves, turning themselves into literal gain-of-function labs for the virus.  If you took the jab, in short, unless you were at very high risk and thus it was justified on a personal mitigation basis you are, in fact, part of the body of individuals that are placing evolutionary pressure on the virus to evolve and ultimately evade the protection and screw not just others but you as well.

Those who are claiming "well, I got jabbed, I got infected, but it would have been much worse if I didn't get jabbed" are the worst of the psychotics.  First, the majority of Covid-19 infections are asymptomatic according to the CDC itself.  Indeed they claim at least six people get infected for each detected infection.  You may well have moved yourself from "I sneezed" to "I got pretty damned sick" by taking the shot.  You don't know.  But worse is that by taking the jab and then getting infected anyway you have now not just become a potential mutational factory you are one of the people causing what will ultimately become viral escape and the screwing of yourself and others because by definition if you got sick after vaccination the virus got into your system, it has now proved whatever occurred in you evaded the protection you had and then was emitted back out where others can catch it from you after that evasion took place.

You were either the mutational factory or an intermediate host that screws the next person you share the love with!

Not only did your protection against fail but, much worse, it's possible that said screwing will be enhanced by whatever residual antibody titer you may have since binding antibodies, if present (and which you intentionally put into your system) will still be present.  Even more-seriously you put the spike protein and thus the antibody response not in your nose and throat but in your blood vessels and other organs where they can cause the exact disease progression that occurs when Covid-19 kills people.  If you get a "break though" infection I hope you have your d-Dimer levels immediately checked because if not you may be a walking heart attack or stroke somewhere in the not-so-distant future with no other warning as a direct result of intentionally loading your body full of "protection" in the wrong place.

This, and only this, is why I will not consent to such a jab under any circumstances until and unless there is hard science showing that a sterilizing option exists.  That one, assuming the risk profile is reasonable, is one I might consider.  Said jab today does not exist anywhere in the United States and I'm unaware of any scientific work showing that any of the current jabs are sterilizing irrespective of where they are manufactured and sold.

Without sterilizing immunization against this disease the only sane approach is to attempt to interdict the progress of disease at first suspicion and evidence of infection instead.

I am capable of reading both history and scientific papers, I know I'm right, the CDC, NIH, VanderCunt, Mayo, Cleveland and Johns Hopkins also knew for decades that I'm right and they have either all turned what formerly were scientific organizations into politically-driven soy-boy pieces of worthless and even harmful crap or, much worse, they're deliberately lying.

If you were among the conned the only remaining question is what are you going to do with and to those who conned you?

Stay tuned for the next exciting episode of "You're fucked, fool."

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2021-07-22 07:00 by Karl Denninger
in Covid-19 , 5978 references
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I hate it when I'm right.

This is about it when it comes to the jabs for me, since we're now at the point that you can pull a Hillary Clinton: "At this point, what difference does it make?"

For those who took it out of stupidity, coercion, to belong or whatever: Too bad, so sad.

To those who used their heads and deduced that between the lack of long-term longitudinal data (zero) and known, documented risks along with deliberate sandbagging by the our government and media of all sorts in reporting the bad effects that rapidly showed up, including deaths, they've made up their minds.  All we have left there is whether, if attempted to be coerced instead of cajoled, they will consider that attempted murder and destroy not only the person coercing them but everything that individual loves as well, living or not.

You can only die once and only be damned once too.  Once either happens its a very liberating thing; you now are simply evaluating whether you're going to let some SOB get away with it or whether he or she is going to Hell in front of you, even if only by a few minutes.

I am not linking source papers in this treatise, so don't ask -- go do the looking yourself this time.  I've done it for a year and a half and, frankly, you still let these ghouls mask your kids, demand you stay home and then con you into taking jabs they lied about, let them lie about "no effective treatments" and deliberately not make reasonable inquiry as regard adverse effects of the jabs despite there being plenty of scientific evidence published before they were rolled out.  I'm laying out facts here; the science is, at this point, old enough and visible enough that if you gave a crap there would have been a revolt months ago.

A real one, not some LARPers crap.  If 500,000 corpses aren't enough what is?

If you remember very early on we knew that ventilators didn't work.  In fact we knew before Trump's HHS issued their order that paid (and still pays; the Biden administration just extended the "emergency" authorizing it) hospitals nearly $40,000 to shove a tube down your throat.  Trump then upped the ante by ordering tens of thousands of them under the DPA, despite the data being on the table that they were worthless.  That was a deliberate act that was all about the money -- damn those who were killed.  This nation sat back and allowed that to happen, and still is allowing it 18 months later.

Not long after, when the first few dead were autopsied, we found out why: Covid-19, when it goes badly, is not just a viral, inflammatory disease.  It causes thrombosis (clotting) in various organs, most-particularly the lungs.  That's what kills you most of the time.

The "spike unit" that the jabs are all constructed around, it has developed, something known to the NIH and the pharmaceutical companies before Covid-19 was claimed to exist in January of 2020.  There is a transfer agreement from the NIH to a university dated prior to that time, and some evidence that the exact spike configuration found in Covid-19 was being discussed in scientific papers long before that.  How can you have a scientific discussion, write papers on and transfer technology related to something that isn't known to exist yet?  Fauci was grilled on this the other day by Congress, asked directly if the spike in Covid-19 was identical to that in said paper, and refused to answer with a yes or no.  He knows damn well what the answer is and if he lied that would be proved perjury and a criminal offense.  If he tells the truth then the etiology of Covid-19 is conclusively known to wildly pre-date the so-called "discovery" and now we must start asking all sorts of other questions; said questions degenerate very rapidly into criminal culpability on the part of many including a whole bunch of people right here in the US.  Fauci looked very nervous in that hearing -- exactly like a man who has been caught bullshitting since the start, there's a half-million bodies piled up as a result and his neck is itching.

When the jab trials started, in short, we knew that severe disease from Covid-19 was primarily a thrombotic event.  We also knew that roughly 80% of the population had decent if not excellent resistance and would get nothing more than a mild or moderate cold or flu from it.  That proof goes all the way back to Diamond Princess.  Hell, a couple reasonably well-known to me got hit by the 'Ro in the early months, both elderly and quite morbid.  He was dead in five days while she never even sneezed, a flat impossibility for two people who are married and sleeping with each other if everyone is susceptible as we were told.  We investigated and learned why that has repeatedly happened; the science was published in June, peer-reviewed by September and published in Nature -- long before the first jab went into the first arm.  These are facts.

We also knew, from decades of trying, that coronavirus vaccines had always failed in the past.

We deliberately did not look at the thrombotic profile of the trial participants in the vaccines; specifically, we did not pull d-Dimer and troponin tests (both cheap) on the participants before the jab, and then sequentially on intervals (e.g. 3 days, 1 week, 2 weeks) to detect whether we were in fact inducing damage similar to the disease.  The drugmakers did not look because quite-obviously they did not want to know; if that showed up in the trials in any sort of statistically relevant percentage of the enrollees it would have instantly shut down the trials and freaked out the thousands in said trials who put themselves at riskI remind you that in September of 2020 the first scientific paper was published indicating that the "Spike" was quite possibly the direct cause of the serious damage and virtually all Covid-19 deaths.  Several papers followed starting in December of 2020, prior to mass-distribution of the jabs, confirming that the spike was directly capable of causing pathology -- that is, severe damage -- without the rest of the virus being present at all.

Failing to halt the roll-out to prove that the vaccines, which all cause production of said spike in your body, would not cause the same effects was criminally insane and grossly negligent given the science at the time.  This was not an "accident" since the studies were published and known -- it was deliberate blindness undertaken in the interest of speed and money before human safety and indeed human life.

We also were told that the jabs produced a "robust" antibody response, which, on the data, is true.  What either wasn't looked at, or was known and intentionally not discussed is that the sequencing of IgA/IgM/IgG in a vaccinated person was wrong for someone who had no immune system knowledge prior to vaccination.  This is now out in the public, at least on a preliminary basis, and it shows that the jab adverse effects may in fact be a form of ADE!  If so that's extremely bad.  The original studies either developed this information and it was hidden or they deliberately did not look; what we do know is that it was not run down.

Now there's potentially worse evidence showing up that the jabs may be destroying existing coronavirus T-cell recognition.  That, if confirmed, is profound because natural infection preferentially builds "N" protein T-cell reactivity.  The spike on a coronavirus evades immune recognition; that's how you get infected in the first place.  That more-severe infections had higher IgG antibody titers to the spike would appear counter-intuitive (after all, you'd think the more-severe the infection the less your immune system was able to respond) but it makes sense once you realize what's going on with a severe infection; you are in fact having a thrombotic problem caused by the spike, and thus you get the higher titer.

That should have raised all sorts of eyebrows and alarms in that it strongly implies that all the vaccine formulations were at best backward and at worst directly harmful but, again, it didn't.

So what we have at this point appears to be the following:

  • The jabs are quite worthless in preventing either infection or transmission.  We knew that after Diamond Princess 80% of the population, approximately, was resistant before Covid showed up and either couldn't get infected at all or if they did had almost no ill effects.  There were multiple instances of couples where one person got a symptomatic case and the other did not get infected at all despite being quarantined together in a 10x10 room for a month.  That means if you have 10% of a vaccinated population that gets symptomatically infected when the base risk of symptomatic infection is 20% at best the jabs are 50% effective in preventing infection and transmission, and perhaps less than that.  So much for the "95%+" claims; that was always bullshit and now we have widely-diverse proof from all over the world that the jabs are non-sterilizing and thus effectively worthless in preventing infection and transmission of Covid.  The entire premise of "protecting others" by getting vaccinated against Covid-19 is now scientifically known to be complete and utter bullshit.

  • There is now emerging evidence of another mutation against which the jabs are almost entirely worthless.  Expect the fear porn to get cranked on that soon even though for infected and recovered persons who are not vaccinated they remain almost entirely immune to that mutation just like all the others.  Even worse is that the data includes some people who recovered and then were stupid enough to take the jab anyway and it increased their risk of symptomatic disease over the other cohort which recovered and did not get vaccinated.  In other words they didn't get more protection by taking the shot after recovery they destroyed a large part of their existing protection, specifically, existing nucleocapsid recognition.  I have warned people repeatedly of this exact risk; there was never any scientific evidence that the jabs were useful if you had previously been infected and now we factually know they're harmful.  This is a very strong marker of what is called "OAS" ("Original Antigenic Sin") or ADE as described scientifically above as to mechanism.  It looks to be very real and accelerating as mutation continues.  The "vaccinated" symptomatic case line should be expected to cross over the "unvaccinated" line soon as mutation never stops and if it does all Hell will break loose as the shots will actually make symptomatic infection and thus transmission more likely compared against unvaccinated persons.

  • The jabs may continue to provide some protection against severe and fatal disease from Covid-19 specifically but the duration of that protection is unknown.  If you're at severe risk then on this basis they may be a good bargain.  I say may rather than "is" for the below reasons which, if they turn out to be true in your case means on balance you got fucked more than protected, and now they're a bad deal for basically everyone.  We do not yet know the answers to the other questions but they are on the table and were deliberately not investigated before we jabbed 150 million Americans.  Some if not all of this was discoverable if anyone cared to look during the summer and fall 2020 trials, but nobody looked on purpose.

  • There is evidence that roughly half of all persons jabbed may show evidence of clotting disorders caused by the jabs.  Whether this is temporary or does permanent damage is not known.  It explains, however, the heart attacks, cardiomylitis, strokes and cognitive changes (e.g. microclotting in the brain) shortly after being jabbed.  I remind you that the "associated but not proved cause" death rate from these jabs is running roughly four hundred times on a per-million-persons jabbed that of the flu shot -- and climbing.  The bad news is that endothelial damage of this sort may well be permanent.  It also raises the very real risk of PAH if some of that damage is in the lungs; there is no non-invasive way to know and by the time you become symptomatic for that your heart has been critically damaged.  To be fair some small percentage of people naturally infected get the same sort of damage but to risk same from infection which is not certain is different than taking that risk on a certain basis from being jabbed.  This could have been quantified before the EUAs were granted as a trivial test would have disclosed the problem in the Phase 1 and 2 trials and was not done or explored.  Given that by summer of 2020 we knew how Covid killed people that failure is only reasonably characterized as intentional.

  • There is now evidence that the jabs destroy some part of your existing immune system T-cell recognition, replacing it with "spike" recognition.  The scope and impact of that is not yet known but the potential impact is horrifying.  The induced spike recognition is Covid-19 specific and, we now know, mutationally specific at least in part.  What is destroyed is not specific to either Covid or mutation and therefore what you destroyed was almost-certainly worth more than what you gained.  This looks very much like "OAS" and the bad news is that it may well impact across other coronaviruses such as OC43.  If that proves up then the increase in susceptibility to severe disease on balance and in whole from circulating viruses has been increased rather than decreased by getting jabbed.

All of this has come to light in about a year from the first trials of these vaccines.

I remind you that it usually takes 10 years or so to qualify a vaccine.  These sort of risks are why it takes 10 years and, let us not forget, coronavirus vaccines have been tried in the past and have universally failed, either due to adverse effects (including OAS and ADE) or they simply proved to be worthless over time with the virus evading them.  That was the history against which these jabs were developed and that we had the arrogance to believe we had magically overcome that which nature had previously thwarted without multi-year evidence may well wind up proving to be one of the most stupid undertakings ever in medicine and public health.

Yet even with this data now on the table the manufacturers are demanding "expedited" full approval reviews!

Oh, and don't start with "well, its knocking down the incidence of infections."  Is it really?

How is it that India has seen a 90% collapse in case rates with only 6% of their population vaccinated?

It clearly wasn't the vaccine over there, was it?  Gee, maybe its Farr's Law that caused that.  Just like the infection rate here in the US peaked and was falling before we had any meaningful vaccinated immunity.  That which happens before you do something cannot have been caused by the something.

This also bears on the current case rate.  Look at last summer; seasonality is real.

We'll see how bad #JabbersRemorse gets in the coming months, and whether the 150 million Americans who took the jab thus far decide they made a good decision or a critically bad one that winds up blowing up in their face -- and if the latter, what those who get screwed, which is about half the adult population at this point, decide to do about it when it comes to those who deliberately failed to investigate what we knew were serious risks that needed to be excluded.

Those who are true believers cannot be reached at this point since they've already committed to their course of action.  As a result I see no further point in writing on this in the general sense, and thus probably won't.

Right up until I wave the "Told You So" flag sometime around late fall, assuming the pattern holds.

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2021-07-12 10:43 by Karl Denninger
in Health Reform , 3208 references
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.... every business model you see in the financial and personal world was just transplanted into health care?

Let me explain.

How many companies have gone from "you buy it, you own it" to you pay for it as a service over the last 10 or 20 years?



Music (where'd the CDs go?) and video (DVDs? Ah, Netflix!)

Accounting and sales management for business (e.g. Salesforce)

How many more would like to go there?

Transportation perhaps?  Nobody owns a car, you "hail" one?  Or more to the point, over the last 10 or so years it has become nearly impossible to do something basic like get a new key for your vehicle to replace a lost one without paying a dealer $300 for something that costs $20.  Why? Because the manufacturer has explicitly made it impossible to obtain the security key required to pair the new key; you bought the car but they won't give you the security code!  Or you have a module fail that can't be replaced without the dealer's tool to code it to your vehicle's VIN and the car won't run without that module working.  You are effectively forced to pay continuing rent on something you allegedly "own."

Housing?  Bloomberg recently ran an article on exactly that, which I reported on (and why it was bad for a huge percentage of the population.)

Now granted, there are times that paying what amounts to a rental fee is a net positive.  If you fly into some city and need a car, it would be stupid to buy one.  You only need it for a week.  Odds are you may never need it there again.  In addition there is no cost to you beyond the immediate loss of use when you terminate the agreement.

Now look at Quicken.

Your data is in their format.  Stop paying, what happens?


Your data is in their format.  Stop paying, what happens?

See the problem?

Same problem exists when you build for a "cloud" platform.  It's their data format and their application APIs, which are theirs.

Stop paying, what happens?

Ok, now think about this.

Pfizer is already saying they think you need a booster Covid shot.

Moderna has in the pipe a whole plethora of..... annual mRNA shots.

What happens if you stop paying?

Nobody knows in this case.

We don't know because we didn't test, we didn't force them to test and we didn't publish the data because we don't have it.  How do we know they don't have it?  How do we know that once you took the first one of these jabs you didn't buy into a perpetual "vaccines as a service" product and if you stop you will run a greatly-accelerated risk of death?


OAS and ADE, to name two reasons to be concerned and one of the reasons we do not license vaccines for 5 to 10 years or more as that has to be excluded and doing so is virus-specific.

Oh, they'd never do that you might claim.

Except they already have with health care.

Obamacare anyone?

Insulin, anyone, for Type I diabetics?  A biologic that has been off patent for decades and yet has seen the price skyrocket?  How's that, when its not patented?  Simple: Nobody goes to jail because we didn't tell the government that they will either enforce the law (15 USC Chapter 1) that makes such collusive action illegal or we will make everyone involved stop.  They will either stop voluntarily or they will stop because they are no longer breathing, but they WILL stop.

Do you really think this isn't what most of medicine is about today?

Of course it is.  Why else would you have an FDA that will approve drugs that are not either (1) better or (2) cheaper with that being the requirement to be proved?  It isn't, you know.  Witness the most-outrageous recent example for Alzheimer's, which hardly stands alone and all of the advertising for various drugs, none of which is proved to be better or cheaper.  Notice how as soon as such drugs become generics all those ads disappear.  Where did Viagra ads go when the patent expired?  Notice how the advertising disappeared last April?

Oh, and as for scams, the patent was supposed to run out in 2012.  Men got fucked (no pun intended) for another eight years.

Why do you think you get told to go ahead and eat the carbs -- chase it with drugs if you're Type II diabetic?  The zero cost option is to stop eating the carbs.  If you do it early enough then there's a good chance your body will heal and the damage will not only stop, it will be reversed.  No, this doesn't mean you can go back to eating the pizzas with wild abandon, but it does mean you'll never need a single blood-sugar related drug, nor will your toes and fingers drop off and your kidneys will likely not fail.

The problem is that if you let your doctor talk you into doing it his way for long enough the damage will be irreversible and then you're beholden to ever-more expensive drugs and, ultimately, likely surgeries and even dialysis.  If you walk that path you may or may not expire from something else first but you certainly will spend a hell of a lot of money on the journey with virtually all of it being unnecessary.

What makes you think that's not what they just did under cover of a respiratory pandemic that was destined to burn itself out like every other respiratory viral pandemic for which we have good records spanning more than 100 years, and in fact which had done so in the United States and was on the wane before the first shot went into the first arm?

What if your life and that of your children are now a service, courtesy of Moderna and Pfizer at whatever cost they wish to impose on you now and into the indefinite future with the price of quitting being a much-higher risk of death, and what if that is in fact exactly what pharma, the medical industry, Trump and Biden all had in mind originally and still do?

Think I'm wrong?

Have a look at the 2018 MTS and what happened to Medicare payments.  This fiscal ended in September of 2018, the second year of Trump's Presidency.  Prescription drug spend was down from 95 billion to $82 billion, a decrease of close to 15%.  Hospital spend was nearly flat - up right at 1%.

Do you think Pharma and hospital administrators liked that?  The next year drug spend was up 3.6% and then ending in September of 2020 it was up 5.3%.

Hospitalization?  That posted a 26% increase year ending September 2020 with hospitals being paid $39,000 per person by Medicare to shove a tube down your throat and kill you instead of being paid to give you drugs early with them only getting paid when you didn't get intubated and die.

In other words health care as a service which in fact paid more to kill Seniors was good for a 26% increase in what the federal government spent despite killing a half-million people with the vast majority of them being Senior Citizens on Medicare.  We didn't pay for performance we paid for a subscription even though what it bought sucked and in fact killed your Grandmother.

Do you think that's stopped?  Well then you better look at the current MTS which says that while hospitalization spend is down (gee, all the old people who could be easily killed seem to already be dead and we ran out of suckers we could exploit by sticking a toe tag on them) when it comes to prescription drugs the current year spend via said subscription model scam is up 12.4% over last year thus far on a comparable-period basis!

Don't you think we should have proved that wasn't the model being intended for these shots to be forced on EVERYONE before we started letting people get stabbed when the data before us, on October 15st of 2020, was that indeed that was exactly the model the health care system had run for the previous fiscal year into the maw of the pandemic and got paid to deliberately not treat people early which both led to their death and got them paid a record amount, an utterly obscene additional EIGHTY TWO BILLION DOLLARS above the previous year's expense?

You better hope that's not what they tricked you into because if it is you're screwed at least economically and may be fucked out of your life.  I remind you that the MTS proves that is exactly what they did to Seniors when it came to medical care just during the first six months of the pandemic to the tune of $82 BILLION which was in fact paid out as a reward for generating 500,000 CORPSES.

But you still won't make them stop -- will you?

That refusal is why we all deserve what's probably going to happen.

When it does just remember this: That wasn't an accident, it wasn't unforeseen and all of it was and is illegal but you sat back and not only let it happen, many of you cheered it on.

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2021-07-10 12:06 by Karl Denninger
in Editorial , 2413 references
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You aren't going to like this article, but frankly I don't care.  I've never written an article with a single bit of concern as to whether people would like what I had to say; any so-called "journalist" who does so isn't a journalist at all.

Going back to the start of Covid-19 there were several things that were apparent:

  • Not everyone was susceptible to a serious or fatal outcome irrespective of age or medical status.  Diamond Princess proved this conclusively.  It was ignored.  We later conclusively and scientifically proved that approximately 80% of all people had pre-existing resistance and, absent severe co-morbid issues that could kill them literally at any time were never at material risk.

  • If you let the virus into nursing homes it will kill a lot of people.  Kirkland proved that conclusively.  We not only ignored that we called the employees of said places "heroes" and did not demand they isolate away from the general population, paying them whatever we had to in order to get them to do it, even when we had a wild excess of hotel space in which we could have as we had (foolishly) locked down basically all travel and leisure activity.

  • Children and young, healthy adults are at little or no risk.  It's not zero, but it's less than the flu.  We now know fewer than 400 people under age 18 have been killed by Covid in the US and virtually all of those who died had unrelated life-threatening medical issues (such as childhood cancers.)  For older, more-morbid people it's another story entirely; they have 1,000x as much danger or more.  So what did we do?  We closed schools and forced 60 million healthy kids to wear masks.  In other words we made children pay for other people's risk, and we did it by force, screwing all those kids out of months to a year or more of schooling and treating them as plague rats who were responsible for killing their grandmother.

  • Most of the morbid conditions that put you at particular risk are voluntary.  Specifically, Type II diabetes and obesity.  We not only lied to kids about their risk we forced children and young adults to bear the cost of voluntary adult behavior.  This is particularly monstrous and massively compounds the above point.

  • We allowed the demonization of drugs that had been used safely for decades for other conditions and in fact let them be effectively banned.  Was there proof that they worked?  Not early on, but so what?  The so-called "right to try" that was much-ballyhooed and paraded around for over a decade disappeared instantly under force by every single social media company.  Who remembers all the crying mothers in front of Congress and elsewhere begging for access to unproved but possible treatments for their children with rare diseases and the attendant and relentless GoFraudMe cry-room campaigns?  Abortion, a purely-elective procedure undertaken by millions and considered a sacred civil right with its need arising in nearly every case from voluntary adult (irrespective of age) conduct has a higher risk of death than Ivermectin.  Where the hell did all those screaming for access to unproven therapies go and why did not that same principle apply here, especially for consenting adults?  Lupus and RA patients have taken HCQ as a maintenance drug on a daily basis for over a decade and the safety profile and its contraindications are well-known.  It also, of course, was used as a prophylaxis for malaria before that on a mass-population basis and as such its safety profile when given to people on a widespread basis is very well understood.  Ivermectin has literally had several billion human doses handed out over the last 30 or so years for the prevention of river blindness and treatment of parasitic infections.  Both are OTC (no prescription required) in many nations.  Budesonide is used by asthmatics as a daily maintenance drug by millions as well, and again, outside of the US can typically be bought OTC for a few dollars.  These are drugs with safety profiles similar to Tylenol and aspirin.  Yet we denied people the right to use them when first infected, or suspected to be and worse, we called them dangerous despite their documented safety profile on a world-wide basis.  If you're the average American you are already taking 12.2 prescription drugs per year, or at least one prescription drug at all times.  Essentially all of them are more-dangerous and likely to kill you than any of HCQ, Ivermectin or Budesonide -- that's a fact.

One of Trump's first actions when Covid-19 hit was to (1) immunize any health care provider for their failures, including refusal to treat and (2) direct CMS to pay "bounties" for anyone on Medicare who went into the hospital for Covid ($13,000 per person) and if they were ventilated then the bounty rose to $39,000.  This, despite knowing at the time that ventilators were nearly worthless; before that order was issued we knew 95% of the people in Wuhan that were put on vents died anyway.  In other words CMS issued an order offering to pay for shoving a tube down your throat that nearly always killed you instead of incentivizing hospitals and physicians to find ways to keep you from dying.

The hospitals, of course, complied with the money making path forward and 100,000 people died in those first few months as a direct consequence.

We later discovered why vents were worthless with this disease; the reason you were choking to death was that your blood was clotting in the lungs.  Forcing more oxygen into the lungs does nothing if there is no effective circulation.  Even after this discovery, which was conclusively known by summer, the bounties remained in place.  Becerra, Biden's HHS secretary, has not rescinded them.

In other words even once we knew not only that vents did not work but why, which was all known by June of 2020, HHS maintained and continues to this day to pay hospitals to shove a tube down your throat and kill you.  A sane policy would have paid only for success and let doctors figure out what works, aligning the money with outcomes.

The successful would get paid, those married to failure and dogma would get nothing.

We could have also cut off the hero worship bullshit by having the government publish the success rate for every single hospital in the US when it came to Covid-19 patients.  This many admitted, this many left in a box, success rate = X%.  HHS could have done that and suddenly all the TikTok dancers would have disappeared -- unless you walked out under your own power.

But... it gets worse.

Blocking people from using early treatment wildly inflated those hospital payments.  If you never go to the hospital then said hospital doesn't get their Covid bonus, do they?  That right there is enough reason for the corporate medical networks to ban their doctors from writing prescriptions for Budesonide, HCQ and Ivermectin, among others despite off-label use being entirely legal; indeed, about one prescription in five is written off-label!  These corporate monsters own and run the hospitals and have been buying up the doctors' practices for decades; a sick person who does not get admitted makes them nothing and the drugs cost about $10!

Never mind that issuing an EUA requires that there be no demonstrated safe and effective alternative by law.  Safe we already knew; all it took was for a large medical network to start handing this stuff out to any adult who appeared to have Covid with informed consent and the statistical evidence would show up within days.  If it proved up that would be the end of the EUAs and the pharmaceutical companies and hospitals did not want either to take place; no sick people in the hospital, no emergency and no money.

The medical systems did not know whether the drugs worked on a conclusive basis but what they did know is that if they showed effective "at first sign of infection" treatment outcomes the money spigot would shut off instantly because nobody would show up sick enough to require hospitalization.  In addition the demand for vaccines would immediately go to zero among anyone who didn't have serious multiple risk factors, such as being in a high-density living environment while seriously ill (e.g. in a nursing home.)

This particular sort of perversity where money trumps all other considerations has permeated medical care for decades.  A coronary catheter will save your life if you're having a heart attack by restoring the blood flow to the impacted area of the heart quickly.  The only other option is open heart surgery which takes longer and the longer you wait the more damage is done.  Never mind that the cath lab is much less dangerous than sawing open your chest.

But "safer" does not mean safe -- the procedure is in fact quite dangerous.  About 1 in 50 people having a stent inserted die either immediately on the table or within the next month or so, and a decent percentage have strokes caused by clots breaking off and traveling to the brain as well, which usually causes permanent and severe disability.  In people who are not having a heart attack, but who have stable angina, the data is that this procedure does not improve mortality at all.  We've known this for a couple of decades now, yet at $20,000 or so a crack these procedures are done all the time in people who are not having heart attacks.

If you are obese and Type II diabetic you can resolve both in virtually every case without spending a nickel.  Stop eating carbohydrates other than green vegetables and get all seed oils (canola, shortening, etc.) out of your diet.  Not only do you resolve the conditions but in addition all the bad things that come over time from high blood sugar, including gangrene and amputated limbs, retinal damage (blindness!), kidney failure (dialysis and ultimately death) and your early demise are all interrupted.  Instead of taking the zero-cost and superior approach in terms of outcomes you're put on drugs; first metformin which is cheap but, since the disease is progressive if you do not stop eating carbs it stops working and then the really expensive drugs come out along with mandatory insulin.  Even that does not prevent the bad; in most cases you still suffer the effects and eventually die.

But not before you leave a half-million dollar medical bill in your wake.

All of this to avoid your doc telling you the answer to your medical condition is to quit eating pizza, pasta, bread and fries?  Oh, and not pocketing the $500,000 either, never mind your misery as your toes are amputated and you go blind, have a heart attack or stroke.

These are far from the only examples.  The FDA just approved a drug for Alzheimer's that failed to demonstrate either halting cognitive decline or demonstrating improvement in treated patients.  It is, however, frightfully expensive.  FDA regulations, in fact, specifically do not require that a new drug work better than an existing drug or therapy, nor that it be cheaper, or even that it have a better safety profile.  You'd think that "better, faster, cheaper -- must show at least one" would be the law in that if you can't demonstrate by hard science at least one of those your drug does not get approved -- period.  You'd be wrong and the reason you're wrong is you let pharma, hospitals, CMS and your President pull this bullshit for decades while both robbing you blind and shortening your life.

Who writes those laws?  Congress.  How long has this gone on?  For more than 50 years.  Has either party fixed it?   NO.

Now we add this:

  • The shots were given EUAs without the usual pharmacological data (e.g. where does it concentrate and distribute in the body, etc.) and full set of animal trials.  The usual dose-ranging trials were truncated.  Zero intermediate (months long) small-group human trials (a couple thousand people) were done with weekly follow-up comprehensive bloodwork to detect things like evidence of cardiac damage (e.g. myocarditis), which can be detected if troponins are checked.  For clotting, d-dimer.  Ditto for platelet disorders and similar which would show up on a CBC. These are normal, routine steps in testing any new drug and none of them were done with no results published.  Even to this day such follow-up has not been done -- at all.  The vaccine firms applied to use their shots in Japan and were forced to disclose pharmacological data which was deliberately withheld from the FDA.  That was leaked on the Internet and it is now known that the spike protein concentrates in the ovaries and spleen.  We do not know the full story on safety and thus it is impossible to make an informed decision.  Certainly, for some people even in this situation the shots may be a good bargain -- but where is the line between "good deal" and "bad deal" and how much is that line moved because of intentional obstruction of early treatment?  Further, where are the autopsy results in people who unexpectedly die after these shots?  You'd think with a new and lightly tested therapy every person who meets an untimely demise shortly thereafter would be looked at forensically to determine whether there's a potential link.  In other words we probably could have detected all of these issues, at least at a sub-clinical level, but if we had that would have stopped the roll-out until conclusive answers were obtained, and perhaps permanently.  So we blindfolded ourselves -- on purpose -- and once again you let it happen and in fact cheered it on.

  • NOW data is starting to stack up showing that not only are the shots dangerous directly there is a nasty pattern appearing of viral infections, not necessarily Covid, in vaccinated people which is wildly out of the ordinary for this time of year.  Exactly what is causing that is unknown; it may just be our fascination with lockdowns and such over last winter but if not then this coming cold and flu season will be catastrophically bad.  While thus far what I have are anecdotes if this proves up your decision to believe a bunch of proved liars about safety may well have set the stage for your own serious disease or death.

Let's point out once again that even if 20% of the 600,000 or so dead aren't really Covid deaths there are still a crap-ton of dead people who should not have died, at least not right then and even if you kill someone with a week left to live under the law you still murdered them.

These people died when they did for exactly one reason: People made money on each death and the more who died the more money was made.

Blocking the use of possible effective and cheap drugs along with refusing to protect those in nursing homes by stopping the employees from being the vector into the place is why most of the people who died are dead, and a hell of a lot of money was an incentive to make them dead with a literal bounty paid for each toe tag.

Our local hospital likely got roughly $5 million -- a little county hospital -- in said bounties.  I'm guessing here since I can't see their books but I'll bet I'm close.

You let that happen.

You let the medical ghouls intentionally send sick people home without any treatment at all until they were literally choking to death, with the doctors and hospital administrators rubbing their hands in glee at the bonus payments to be received in the amount of millions of dollars per hospital.

You either Hated or Loved Orange Man and so you not only let him and his administration do it when the next one showed up the other half of the nation cheered them on doing the same damn thing.

Now you're letting 13 year old boys be jabbed with these shots and some of them are dying of enlarged hearts.  Proved caused by same?  Not yet.  Of course we're not demanding and publishing the autopsies of those bodies either! 

Isn't it supposed to be the other way around  -- you prove safety first -- before we stab children who by definition cannot give informed consent to the risk of death?

I've written dozens of articles on the medical scam for more than a decade now.  It featured prominently in Leverage.  A medical system in which there is a profit motive has both a good and bad side.  The good side is that new discoveries make people rich, and new discoveries move science and health forward.  The bad side is that if proof of improvement -- better, faster and/or cheaper -- is not required and the people are not allowed free and full access to all of the existing medical art at the time at their option, not that of someone who gets paid not for results but for treatments and drugs then it becomes extremely profitable to try to create a mandatory subscription model that puts a daily, monthly or yearly fee on keeping you alive to be distributed to the commercial interests behind same while ignoring, discouraging or even forbidding you to take actions (e.g. using drugs off label) that might interrupt that process or keep some or all of the money out of their pockets.

Now add to this toxic mix a virus that causes a pandemic.  There have been lots of pandemics across history.  Typically, a pandemic respiratory virus shows up about once every 15 or 20 years.  It always has.  We have records of them.  They have all behaved the same way: Two or three waves of infection, typically over one or two years, with the second wave usually being the worst.  The virus mutates over time and becomes more-infectious and less-deadly.  Within two years it is endemic; those who can be easily killed are dead, those who get it and survive have immunity, and whether infection confers permanent immunity does not matter.  The virus continues to circulate and causes colds and flus, but the serious health incident is over.

Every single pandemic respiratory virus for which we have decent records, which I remind you span more than 100 years, has behaved in exactly this manner and there is no evidence that Covid-19 has or will behave differently.  The jabs are, for most people, worthless as the virus will over time evade them (as flu evades the flu shot in whole or part) but it makes no difference to 90+% of the population as the virility of the circulating strains wanes.  By the time we jabbed the first arm the second, and most-serious wave had already occurred in the United States and was on the decline, even as we ignored all of the usual safety testing in the interest of speed.

The exception is that if you vaccinate into an active pandemic, leaving aside direct injury from an improperly-tested vaccine you run the risk of ADE, OAS or its more-encompassing name ("pathogenic priming") occurring, and if it does those who took the shot get fucked worse than those who did not and there's nothing the people who took the shot can do about it.

May I further remind you that coronaviruses are not new and neither are attempts to produce vaccines for them?  Every single attempt in the past has failed -- either the virus evades the vaccine, the vaccines causes severe injury on its own or on re-challenge it produces binding but not neutralizing activity and as a result makes the resulting infection much more-dangerous.  Since we now know there is cross-reaction between Covid-19 and other viral T-cell reactivity the potential for it to work the other way -- that is, for the shots to cause you get severely screwed by other, non-Covid viruses -- exists as well.

"This time its different" is one of the most-common and nearly-always wrong pronouncements -- whether the subject at hand is economics, markets or medicine.  The burden to prove that indeed it is different this time is extreme and must always fall on the person making the claim.

So here's the deal, America.

You didn't stop the killing for money.  We call that murder-for-profit, and exactly nobody has been held accountable for it and in fact people are still cheering it on, including Biden's plan to try to convince people to take the stabs by going door-to-door.

It should have been stopped.

If the government refused to stop it then the people should have risen and made clear that killing people for profit was not going to be tolerated.  The conversation could easily have gone exactly this way:

You will stop -- every hospital, every doctor, every so-called "public health" authority.

You will stop now.

If you do not stop now tomorrow at noon there will be a BBQ and the hospital administrators, doctors, nursing home operators who refused to lock in the employees and politicians who enabled it all are going to be the guests of honor.

One way or another, you will stop this perversity that has permeated our medical system for decades and instead of killing people one at a time it is now murdering them en-masse.  You will cut it out and never do it again or justice will be done -- right here, right now, by we the people.

This is not a negotiation any more than Concord was on April 19th, 1775; you stop or you will be forced to stop.

We're not asking, we're telling you.


Well, you didn't do it.  One dude, or three dudes -- you start building a gallows along with erecting a spit and firepit on the lawn of the parties to be invited to your BBQ and you go to jail immediately.  Big shock, right?  Of course if you're a pharmaceutical company, sell a drug like Vioxx after allegedly hiding evidence it has a nasty side effect profile and 60,000 people are killed by heart attacks as a consequence nobody goes to jail for doing that, and that's not threatened death, it's actual death and that it happened is fact.

First time?  Not even close.  AZT anyone?  It did not save a single AIDS patient from death.  The intentional blocking of Bactrim, which was part of getting AZT through, killed about 30,000 Americans far sooner than they would have otherwise died.  Bactrim, a combination of cheap, off-patent antibiotics, was known to prevent PCP recurrence; this had been discovered 10+ years earlier in leukemia patients.  AZT, a failed attempt at a cancer drug was, at the time, the most-expensive prescription drug ever sold.  Who was involved up to his neck in pimping AZT while blocking Bactrim?  A man by the name of Anthony Fauci.  Yes, that Anthony Fauci.

Or, as is the case this time, Remdesivir.  The data from two solid trials: RECOVERY and now this study say it's worthless.  Worse, it has a nasty side effect profile including causing cardiac damage.  But despite the data the FDA has not withdrawn its EUA.  Gee, why not?  Because it costs $3,000 and thus makes people rich, that's why.  If it kills you well, tough crap; we'll call that "Covid" even though it was the worthless drug that may have caused your heart attack and not the virus.  You still count as a Covid death though so here's the hospital's bounty for racking up another toe tag.

Why didn't Trump's HHS -- or Biden's -- do it the other way around?  You get your $13,000 bonus if the patient walks out of your hospital under his or her own power.  If he or she dies the hospital gets nothing.

Want to take a bet on how much Ivermectin, Budesonide and HCQ would have been used had the government done that?

Tell me once again why you have allowed both the previous and current Administrations to infest Washington DC given these facts -- including the fact that these so-called "experts" are all proved serial liars with multiple well-documented instances that led directly to mass-death over the last forty years.

I'm listening and have been for 18 months -- all I hear is crickets.

Here's reality whether you wish to admit it or not:  If 5%, 10% or 50% of the population decides they've had enough of this robbery and death then it stops.  One hopes the demand is enough.  It should be enough, but you have to be willing to back it up just like the Minutemen were on April 19th of 1775.

The government knows this.

They know it to their core because this nation exists due to that very demand and willingness to back it up when the King of England's men said "fuck you!" in response to a similar demand.

They get away with this sort of crap today for the same reason they got away with it in 2008 with the banking system.  You let them.

That time they stole your money, your jobs and in many cases your house.

This time they stole your grandmother's life, and in both cases they did it for one reason and one reason only: MONEY.

The proof is simple: HHS could have made the payments contingent on your discharge by means of walking out of the hospital under your own power.  They did not, on purpose, you let them slaughter your alleged loved ones and worse, you let those murderous, money-grubbing assholes walk among you to this very day, lauding them as "heroes."

That's fine.

The people of this nation, as with the people of any nation, have the right as a body politic to act like cult members and bow before those who have been demonstrably wrong on a serial basis for the last 18 months.  Remember: MASKS ARE BETTER THAN VACCINES, according to the CDC.  That was stated by the CDC Director in sworn testimony before Congress and yet winter came two months later and the virus killed a crap-ton of people anyway, proving he was completely full of crap.

That's just one of many of the lies you sucked your way all down the shaft and then swallowed whole.

So here's the deal:

If you were or are today one of those nutjobs who believed the CDC even after they were proved wrong this last winter, if you believed Fauci after he was repeatedly proved wrong, if you still listen to anything they say after Fauci got caught conspiring to hide the origins of this virus and in fact organizing censorship of its origin all over the media and you believe the government at large did not and is not to this day deliberately deceiving you and everyone else, including deception about the natural course of all pandemic viruses for the last 100 years -- every single one of them -- then if you listen to them now, take their advice, and it kills or severely disables you or your family members I am going to laugh in your face and that of your family members and loved ones.

You are stupid.

Only a mentally-compromised cult-member idiot listens to some agency or person, no matter who it is, once they make a pronouncement in front of Congress under oath and within a couple of months it is conclusively proved they're full of crap, who issue government policy incentivizing death instead of targeting said incentives to be paid only when lives are saved and as a direct result of intentional neglect for profit several hundred thousand people die.

That's what happened folks.

We're 18 months into this now.

The lies are manifest and so is the killing of people for profit.

You have to be nuts to allow anyone involved in that act of mass-manslaughter for money to get anywhere near you with any medical advice.

They already killed your grandmother and if you let them kill you or those you love then you and they both deserve to have this blow up in your face and die, I hope it hurts, and I will celebrate every one of your well-overdue express elevator rides to HELL.

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