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'People Lose A Little Bit Of Weight'
So You Dislike The Prospect Of Civil War?
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and just in the last hours I've become more-confident Trump is just going to grift even more for himself and those in the Republican Party or otherwise "favored" by him.
The Trump "meme coin" should be all the evidence you need and its so "in your face" maybe -- just maybe -- it will wake his supporters out of their stupor.
Let me remind you that money is what you have left over after you make something of value and have paid for the materials and labor to do so. If I drill for oil, hit oil and then refine said oil into usable fuels and lubricants, once I've paid the costs in doing that what's left is money. It is the net improvement in my condition as a result of producing something of value to other people generally.
Credit is simply a promise to produce something of value in the future. It spends exactly like money does; it is the future tense of money, to be precise.
But all "crypto" or "token" things are in fact nothing more than a negative-sum lottery. The negative portion is quite-variable but not the primary aspect of it.
If you buy a lottery ticket some percentage of your spending on it goes into the prizes. The rest is siphoned off; in the case of regulated lotteries a large part allegedly goes to education and the rest pays for the terminals and bounties that the winning ticket sellers get, plus the expense of operating the game (including auditing it if its a regulated one so as to assure the public it isn't rigged.)
If you buy a "meme coin" nothing was produced whatsoever. The "increase in price" (or the converse) occurs solely because someone else pays you more than you paid for it. The same, incidentally, is true of stocks traded on an exchange in the secondary market -- that is, most stocks. Its a negative-sum game instead of a zero-sum game because nobody works for free and the exchanges have to be paid in order to continue to operate.
In this case only 20% of the coin is "float"; the rest Trump-controlled firms held back. So your acts deposited your money into something that has no value and now those entities can siphon it off into Trump's pocket -- if people continue to buy it when the lockups expire and they can be sold. If not then what he has (and what you have) is a huge money loser. (Those who bought "HaukTua" anyone?)
Now contemplate proof of work or proof of stake coins. They're even more of a negative sum game because the energy and hardware required to "mine" or "prove" them (or both) are quite expensive and yet when that is expended you have..... nothing. In fact you spend all that only to exhaust it as heat into the atmosphere and ultimately trash into the landfill (the electronics themselves.)
Yet here we are.
Then there's TikTok. Who believes that any "social site" is worth that sort of money as a mechanism to publicly post cute pictures of your cat?
Of course it isn't.
They have "value" because they can and thus are used to change human behavior. This of course is not disclosed to any material degree; you believe you are obtaining entertainment (e.g. watch cute videos of someone's cat) but the real point is not to trap your eyeballs on the screen but to change your behavior and thus expenditure of funds or other actions taken in the real world.
Toward what end?
That's not disclosed, is it?
Of course it isn't. But it has to be the case because cute cat pictures are not worth a trillion dollars no matter matter how many of them there are.
Convincing you the world will end if you don't stop using a gas-powered car and furnace, so that you screw yourself out of tens of thousands of dollars over the space of a few years and hundreds of thousands over your entire life, times the millions of users...... now that is worth enough to justify the valuations, is it not?
Oh incidentally that's one possible example out of many.
Now does it make sense why certain topics will get you tossed off these sites?
So how about the immigration situation? Well Hohman is set to put up a good show but will he actually change anything? We'll see. How about the H-1b abuses; those screw the middle class bigly, especially those in technical fields, and on a per-capita basis have a lot more impact on Americans than do illegal Mexican roofers. But the homebuilders are a small piece of the S&P and Nasdaq with roofing companies almost entirely absent from public trading; not so for Amazon, Meta, Google, Microsoft, IBM, Disney and similar.
Then we have the medical scam generally -- if you think the tech space is a problem in that regard the medical system is one dollar in five and 75% of it is stolen via various schemes from intentional recommendations to do things that slowly make your health worse (e.g. use seed oils) and disparate billing and extortion schemes that have been illegal for more than a century and twice ruled to apply at the Supreme Court forty years ago -- and yet nobody will bring the charges and enforce the law. Of course the media, including social media, is a major part of convincing you (see the above again) to do those stupid things and the latest of the stupidity is the furor over "weight loss" drugs like Ozempic -- I guess they ran out of profits to be made suckering people into statins and then dealing with all the Type II diabetes it produced as a "side effect."
The problem with corruption like this is that once it takes root like this through an economy its like a parasite that gets into your blood; it goes everywhere and infests everything.
Well, supposedly today a new hour and era dawns for America with Trump's swearing in.
We'll see if it really is all that, or if he's just going to redirect the scam to his friends and away from Joe's -- while you still get it in the ass.
As I said in my podcast I'll reserve passing judgment until approximately the end of March, unless of course I see evidence before then that all he's really doing is capitalizing on this for himself and then playing with himself in the Oval Office.
The last day or two with the meme coin thing certainly doesn't throw any cold water on that premise, does it?
"Oh but they can't stop the caravans and illegals!"
Faced with the prospect of massive tariffs on goods under the new administration, Mexico has been dispersing migrants throughout the country to keep them far from the U.S. border, including dropping them off at the once vibrant tourist hotspot of Acapulco, a beach resort town on Mexico's Pacific coast made famous by the jet set in the 1950s and ’60s.
Oh, but the "impossible" magically now happens?
Well thank you very much, Mexico, for proving that all of the previous illegal immigration that came through your nation was both voluntary and malicious so NOW you can take back every single one of them irrespective of their nation of origin and deal with that however you wish.
Oh by the way the same Americans first demand applies to H-1bs, J-1s and similar. Trump has literally a couple of weeks post inauguration to cut that **** out too and force those abusing it to stop, force all the "beneficiaries" of same out of the country, **** the colleges up the ass who are conspiring to do it and start jailing people in the universities and tech companies who have wildly abused these systems for decades all of which are, I remind you, FELONIES.
America and Americans first Mr. Trump, no exceptions for those in Mexico, India, Asia and those who have no desire or intent to adopt America's cultural values 100% or you can **** your own mouth and so can all your "tech bros".
Now we have Dr. Oz and of course RFK "on deck" for CMS and HHS, respectively.
There are many changes that must be made but let me highlight one that must be made on an administrative basis on the first day and then coded into Statute through Congress so it can never be changed in any government-funded medical or health program again by any future adminsitration.
No payment can ever be made on an "incentive" basis except for documented, measurable and quantified success, irrespective of circumstances.
Specifically, what was done during Covid where hospitals were paid for procedures rather than results must be absolutely barred as this perversion almost-certainly led to hundreds of thousands of deaths, specifically by paying hospitals for ICU use, ventilator use, Remdesivir use and finally, a bonus for those who died which is ethically identical to paying someone who commits homicide.
In addition those "incentive payments" were a monstrous budgetary boondoggle while at the same time wildly enriching many hospitals, including the one in my county which cashed in to the tune of millions beyond their ordinary and customary charges for treating persons in those programs.
There is no way to "protect Medicare and Medicaid", as Senator Fetterman says is his condition for supporting Dr. Oz as the head of CMS, other than by collapsing the cost of medical care generally. It simply cannot be done any other way because roughly four dollars in five spent in that program are not backed by a tax receipt and there no reasonable way to expect that expanding taxation for those programs by a factor of five could be sustained either politically or economically.
I have for more than a decade, and indeed all the way back to when I was running MCSNet in the 1990s, identified that the expansion of CMS as a percentage of GDP, in that the programs were established with the premise of about a 4% overall health care spend in the economy that has now reached 20%, simply cannot continue.
But additional cost-shifting into the private sector, which is rampant in Medicaid and is exploited among Medicare providers, cannot be sustained either. This is choking the economy and driving uneconomic acts across the board including deficit spending, bubbles in the economy all over the place and inflation that cannot be hidden any longer or sustained.
Fixing that is not (directly) within the purview of either HHS or CMS except as relates to both agency's mandate, under statute generally, to not permit criminal acts of those it contracts with to be ignored. Specifically, in the context of both Medicare and Medicaid payments made from firms for "compliance" with vaccine and other schedules are, legally, a kickback, explicitly barred under law and such conduct carries felony criminal penalties. All such acts, including any other act constituting a kickback either form or substance must be prosecuted.
CMS can materially impact cost by, for example, paying bonuses for those people who successfully bring their blood sugar and body mass under control through the use of non-pharmaceutical approaches such as, for example, getting both seed oils and fast carbohydrates out of one's diet. Objective proof in the form of lack of prescription drug use and documented metabolic results in the form of body mass reduction, glucose control, fasting insulin, hsCRP and blood pressure are all trivially and, with the exception of minor blood draws or finger-sticks for testing able to be shown on a non-intrusive and near-zero-cost basis.
Surprisingly Fox has come out with an article by a physician who echoes much of this. Where he's wrong is on the statins; the lipid hypothesis has, at this point, been disproved and his adherence to that "religion" is likely why he has insulin resistance problems. Simply put the problem is systemic inflammation, not cholesterol. Getting seed oils out of what you eat makes a huge difference -- if you think not pay $200 for a Garmin Instinct that can do overnight HRV and check the impact on HRV yourself when you eat or do not eat them. Note that it is basically impossible to avoid them in a restaurant so to do this test you must cook at home or be extremely careful if eating out; you can, for example, eat a steak but you cannot have a salad with dressing, virtually any bread or breaded thing or any sort of "butter", fried or grilled anything other than a fatty meat because all restaurants will use these oils rather than tallow, lard or butter for baking and cooking purposes because they're cheaper. For the huge percentage of people, perhaps everyone, the amount you can consume of these substances without serious negative impact is zero and, incidentally, yes that includes infants and if you really want to freak out look at any bottle of packaged infant formula. Enfamil and Similac, two common brands by means of example both have listed as their third ingredient seed oils; the amount that an infant, absent their use, would consume and that any mammal has consumed through history other than by our intervention is in fact ZERO.
Further, if drug use is permitted as a means of mitigation then all expense as a consequence of adverse events that have a legitimate risk in the use of said drugs and all costs occasioned by them including the drug itself and all expense due to adverse events or monitoring for same must be directly counted against any such results. If this was done then statins, for example, would almost-certainly be off the recommendation list because they are a known cause of Type II diabetes and the cost of that, if and when it occurs, is more than the rather-dubious (known at this point) "benefit" from their use. While punishing a provider for prescribing them is likely unwise if the provider is incented to do whatever works, where "works" is defined objectively both in terms of outcomes AND COST, said providers now have a reason to find and promote that which is cheaper and works rather than simply be paid to "do things."
Many of these changes can -- and must -- be made administratively but they then must also be codified into Statute so that physicians, hospitals and pharmaceutical companies cannot lobby this or a future administration to reverse these rules and screw people for money as occurred in size, and which put into stark relief exactly how prevalent and death-causing it was during Covid.
Not mistake.
Birx said the White House’s messaging surrounding the COVID-19 vaccine did not help matters.
"I think what has confused people is we weren't clear about what COVID vaccines do and don't," she said. "And so now people are questioning, well, what are my childhood vaccines do and don't. And they don't understand that some of the vaccines that their children are getting protect them from both disease and create herd immunity. And some of them that they get are just for their child, like H Flu and pneumovax to prevent their child from getting very serious illness."
No, actually Deborah, you and the rest of so-called "public health" have deliberately and maliciously lied about many of these shots.
What's worse, you not only lied you used those lies to support mandates that have no foundation in law or the principles of public health whatsoever. And finally, and the reason all of you should hang by the neck until dead (after judgment and conviction, of course) is that those lies in fact put others at increased risk.
A thing is not a vaccine if it fails to induce sterile immunity. That is, it not only makes you unable to become ill it prevents you from being infected in the first place and by doing so it also prevents you from unwittingly (before you know you're seriously sick) infecting other people.
A non-sterilizing shot or other preparation is not a vaccine because it does not prevent you from infecting other people. It would at first blush appear to be exactly identical from the standpoint of a man in the choice to wear a condom during sex -- it reduces the risk of transmission of sexual diseases in both directions to and from his penis during the time it is worn and reduces the risk of him impregnating that specific woman during that specific act of sexual intercourse but it does nothing to prevent the woman from becoming pregnant by other than that individual sexual act with that individual man nor does it prevent any sort of transmission of a disease to or from anyone else or at any time and in any orifice other than during the specific time and for the specific act of sex.
Unfortunately a non-sterilizing shot is much worse than a condom, which is neutral in terms of risk to anyone else or at any other time, because it inevitably makes infecting others with said disease more-likely because if you can get and pass on the infection but do not get sick you have no idea that you are at risk of infecting others. Since you have no idea you actually have and are capable of passing on the infectious agent you are MORE LIKELY to screw someone else -- up to and including killing them.
Birx knows damn well this is true and her refusal to honestly disclose same with regard to the covid shots meant that many people who were at higher risk were exposed to being killed, and some were killed, by a person who thought they were safe when in fact they were not only infected they were giving the virus to others.
Deborah both personally and deliberately, through multiple appearances in front of the microphone as the "helpful lady doctor", did not correct the record at any time, most-particularly when the shots were being "mandated." She knew damn well that there was no legal or moral justification for any sort of mandate because, as she has admitted, she knew there was never any evidence the covid shots actually produced "immunity" of any sort; in fact the "trials" were deliberately designed so as not to test that capacity (and if they had been they would have failed said trial, which we now know conclusively.)
This is profoundly evil conduct that is worthy of capital punishment.
But more to the point of the Fox article and your little "conversation" in same is the fact that this fraudulent edifice is used to extort conduct from parents for the purpose of money in the doctor's offices as has been conclusively shown by "vaccine bonus" schedules from insurers, conduct that is both a kickback (and thus arguably illegal under federal and insurance law -- specifically in the context of Medicare and Medicaid 42 USC 1320a-7b(b)) and is absolutely illegal under 15 USC Chapter 1 as it is an attempt to force a tied sale (the shot, which you do not want) to get something you do want (access to a pediatrician for your kid.) That has been illegal for over 100 years and carries felony criminal penalties -- specifically, 10 years in the slammer for each and every person so-involved, no matter the type or character of their involvement.
Whether that is or is not the cause for the meteoric rise in autism rates is a separate issue. If that turns out to be true then everyone involved deserves to be summarily executed as the collective harm served up on Americans via this conduct is arguably worse than what the Nazis did during WWII and damn well ought to draw the same response. But that's a separate discussion; the conduct is a felony on multiple grounds under long-standing federal law even if harmless medically due to its coercive nature and the monetary gains stolen by same.
These mandates must all be dropped and EVERY medical office and insurer who participate in any such "payment" scheme prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, including not just fines but prison sentences. Beyond being quite-clearly illegal these acts are utterly indefensible in a nation where access to these shots is essentially universal and, in addition, the type and character of each must be disclosed, those that do not produce sterile immunity or for which that cannot be proved must not be called what they are not ("vaccines") and those which are intended to or do eliminate, in some or all persons, symptoms while not preventing transmission must be fairly disclosed as increasing the risk of you giving a disease unwittingly to others.
I appreciate you coming clean about this, but that you've only done so now rather than in late 2020, even though you knew all of this at the time, certainly looks like little more than attempt to save yourself from a quite-literal risk of prosecution.
**** that; into the dock you must go.
All three.
House, Senate and Presidency.
There is thus no blocking of agendas. No bogus impeachments. No games.
Either tear down the medical monopolists and illegal invader problem -- all of it -- using existing statutory authority in 15 USC Chapter 1 and 8 USC 1324 and do it within the first few months or, by the time the House and Senate midterms start to be contested which is in the spring of 2026 Trump loses both.
The inflation monster is going to roar back on the field. It matters not if you were responsible or not; if you're in the left seat when the plane crashes its your fault whether you put the water in the fuel or the idiot on the ramp did it.
15 USC Chapter 1 has been litigated to the Supreme Court in the context of medical care and insurance and found valid. The defenses were attempted and failed. I've pointed this out for more than two decades now but nobody wants to take it on. You don't seek fines you indict and imprison doctors, pharmaceutical company executives, hospital CEOs and insurance firm officers, directors and executives. Every person seeking medical procedure, drug or device must pay the same price for the same thing irrespective of their "insurance" or who is paying the bill, "insurance" companies may not interfere in any way in pricing or otherwise (but may set their own reimbursements after you got the bill) and you must consent whenever it is physically possible for you to do so before you incur the expense. Read here; its all there.
On illegal immigration 8 USC 1324 is clear: Any entity or person harboring or assisting an illegal alien is subject to 10 or more years in prison. No fines, no games, you do it you are indicted and go to prison with no exceptions. I don't care what the excuse is -- its invalid. Do it and do it now. You do this and the entire problem is solved immediately because all the employers, landlords and state governments handing out gibs will stop as none of them are going to deal with a 10 year prison sentence and no, State government officials are not exempt from Federal Law.
There is plenty more but these two must be done immediately. The collapse of pricing -- cost of living -- has to happen. There is no way to catch up through wages which is irrelevant to anyone on fixed income anyway as the government cannot, and does not, actually index for (as an example) the doubling in food prices that has already happened in Social Security payouts. Further medical cost is wildly in excess of anything Medicare can receive from taxes and Medicaid is a pure give-away.
The math is clear; real world inflation hasn't been 20% over the last three years and change it has been closer to 50% and in many things you must buy like groceries it has been a clean double.
But let's assume its just 25% -- a few points above the government's official claim.
2% "Fed Inflation" - 2% productivity growth (long-term average reasonable expectation) - 3% real wage increases (that's 5% in "current dollars" given a 2% inflation rate) = 3% per year "catch-up" so you won't for eight years assuming that the real inflation rate is in fact 2%. If its 3% then the "catch up" time is 50% longer or 12 years. If the real inflation was not 25% but in fact is 50%, and it is, then you'll either be nearing retirement if you're in your 20s today or dead, and that assumes that over that entire period of time there are no more inflationary bursts from any cause whatsoever.
In other words that's not only not going to happen it is inevitably going to financially destroy Americans in size and lead to a revolt of some sort -- whether peaceful or quite-possibly not, particularly when the cost of borrowing is going to continue to increase for the next couple of decades so if you, as an average American, are "charging it" you're going to financially blow up with absolute certainty long before you catch up.
Either we collapse the cost-of-living and accept what comes from that in the asset markets (and yeah, it will be serious) or in the midterms the Republicans lose both houses and that's the end of the show because the Democrats will not take those steps. The root of the problem lies in these two places; there are plenty of others to be addressed but if these two are not done the rest doesn't matter.
Incidentally, if you want further evidence of the inflationary impact and how close the impending detonation is, and why it must be taken care of right now and criminal indictments must come in size, right now -- no excuses -- the single-month deficit spending was outrageous in October; last month CMS spending was up over 50% compared with the same month last year. The internals were even more-ridiculous; benefit payments under the supplemental trust fund were 243% last year's levels -- almost 2-1/2 times and hospital payouts were at 209% last year's figures for the same month.
Last chance folks, and it literally has to begin with no excuses -- and plenty of felony indictments -- on January 20th at 12:01 PM.