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User Info | Demographics Is Destiny; entered at 2023-11-06 08:18:58 | |||
Orangecrush Posts: 385 Registered: 2018-09-29 Coastal North Carolina |
If I had it all to do over again I would have zero children. I have learned much about myself and the world (far too late) to undo my actions, but with a time machine I would have acted entirely different. Our first child was born in the "golden days" of 1989. If I could have foreseen what a crap sandwich the US and the world was going to be by 2023 I never would have reproduced. I can't blame anyone with common sense who chooses to not have kids at this point. For those brave souls still having kids in 2023 they are trying to culturally and financially swim upstream from the bottom of Niagara Falls. 2023-11-06 08:18:58