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User Info The End Of Trump; entered at 2020-06-29 12:42:02
Posts: 5023
Registered: 2010-09-06 USA
Now THIS Ticker is why I keep coming back here - excellent!! Although from day one Ive said it was Trumps factions goal to destroy the USD as world reserve and devalue it by 70-80%, hes done nothing of value for the average American.

> I am not sure that creepy Joe will be the nominee. It almost HAS to be a trans minority.

Nah, but Id not be surprised if Cuomo was tasked with the job instead of sleepy Joe

And I voted for Trump - the first time Ive voted in 20 years and I wont be voting again. Fool me once n at...

I am not sure that creepy Joe will be the nominee. It almost HAS to be a trans minority.
2020-06-29 12:42:02