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User Info Hypothesis: Hospitals ARE The Vector @RealDonaldTrump; entered at 2020-03-28 22:22:12
Posts: 212445
Registered: 2007-06-26
@Drifter - No, and there's no good way to be sure. But what we DO know is that the "lockdowns", even just whacking essentially ALL social interaction on an ordinary, routine basis has done almost NOTHING to the transmission rate.

Therefore that's not how it's spreading. It's simple -- if you think a fire is fed by "X" for its fuel source, you remove the source and the fire continues to burn YOU GOT IT WRONG *******!

As for serotypes there are some 100 strains identified so far. But the serotype is quite stable on a comparative basis so far.

Last modified: 2020-03-28 22:23:28 by tickerguy

2020-03-28 22:22:12