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User Info | Hypothesis: Hospitals ARE The Vector @RealDonaldTrump; entered at 2020-03-28 14:29:11 | |||
Clay3482 Posts: 2791 Registered: 2008-11-13 Alaska |
I agree KD. My mom has this. But this is exactly why we decided as a family not to take her to the hospital. She did get emergency treatment one time with Oxygen but no one, not even the doctor would come into the room, they stood at the door. One nurse who is a family friend and has known my mom since she was born was the only person allowed in the room. She washed her hands and had new ppe and did not leave until my mom was discharged. Stay out of the hospitals. They can not do anything. IMHO Try to get antibiotics, hydroxyclonaquin and / or Oxygen if you have to have anything. Try to stay out of the hospital because there is nothing they can do. A vent will not help and chances are you will get infected with something else at the hospital while you are trying to get well and you will die. 2020-03-28 14:29:11