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User Info Freedom Of Speech: How Quaint; entered at 2010-01-23 11:48:30
Posts: 6146
Registered: 2008-04-23 Pacific Northwest
While I've disagreed with the Gen on this issue, I am very glad to read this almost 300 post discourse.....

As it is clear, this isn't a dem vs republican issue. This isn't a right vs left issue.

I've been shocked as I brought this decision up in public yesterday to folks who should have been clueless, who knew about the decision and had an opinion....

To me, the discourse is GREAT! Agree or disagree, the mere fact that peeps are discussing and debating is the best thing ever.

This is what the republic needs. Debate about the goodness or badness of an issue, and not partisan with me or against me the way so many issues have devolved over time....

And the fact that there isn't an echo chamber here should give joy, even to those who think Gen is flat out wrong, me included, because who in the hell wants to talk to themselves over and over?

Kudo's to all!

Last modified: 2010-01-23 11:49:52 by pabloescobar
Reason: typo

2010-01-23 11:48:30