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 'People Lose A Little Bit Of Weight'
Dingleberry 1k posts, incept 2011-11-06
2024-11-25 08:34:13

Speaking as someone who had some contact with dieticians and the like.....I can tell you "keto" is truly a 4-letter word in their world.

These karens are no different than the jabbist ones. There is absolutely no way they (more accurately, their egos) will ever admit they were duped. Nope. They have "degrees" don'tcha know. Physicians will tell you keto is "hard on your kidneys".......I guess diabetes and high blood pressure isn't as bad for them?

Then throw in all the gimmicks to "lose weight".....the book stores with shelves floor to ceiling proclaiming the dozens of ways for the "easiest and fastest way to lose weight!!".......what it really shows is almost no one in that biz knows what the fuck they are talking about. They are throwing shit at the wall.

I recall when Dr. Atkins was initially popular. The MSM gave him some time, like he was a novelty.....but he was mostly ridiculed. Now keto is ignored. Just like the turbo cancers, the died thuddenlies, etc.

Once you understand who pays for the ads and keeps the corrupt, venal MSM employed (i.e. pharma) all makes sense why they spew their nonsense. Same with the medical-industrial complex.

You are literally fatted be used for their financial slaughter.

Now pass the ozempic......

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