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 'People Lose A Little Bit Of Weight'
Tvtd 2 posts, incept 2024-11-25
2024-11-25 07:50:58

I've been following your posts on weight loss very quietly for a couple years now. In the last year I had a tremendous inability to lose what was becoming unhealthy middle-age weight, a challenge troubled because work requires me 99% travel on a weekly basis. I had a week of work in France earlier this year so my wife and I made a vacation of it, returned five pounds lighter and feeling better, then your step by step post of your eating and exercise habits was posted a month later. We started chasing that rabbit hole primarily by cutting out American wheat and seed oils. She found the Fat and Fat2 documentary which we watched with a sense of disbelief. How could all this not be a part of regular medical info?

Two months later I am 15 pounds lighter, pants are falling off, I am sleeping 1000% better no matter the time zone jumps I weekly have to do, and I have no desire for anything containing processed carbs (except, I will admit, for the Christmas cookies around the corner). Blood work is already coming into line. We will check again in six months.
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