502 posts, incept 2019-08-08
2024-08-15 08:36:34
Good morning Karl, "I've been on STRIKE since September 24th, 2021!"- I stopped being an employee, and wage earner. I'm eligible for social security, but have not applied for it, yet. I pay all taxes due. I quit work due to the *******s at my employer taking punitive (and pecuniary) actions against me due to my refusal to get the Covid vaccine. If they were to request me to return to work, several requirements would have to be met. Since that hasn't happened, no need to write about it. I learned later that perhaps 10% of the staff also quit, while others were forcibly terminated (likely illegally) from the company due vax refusal.
I was the plant engineer in charge of keeping a chemical plant running, and in charge of all maintenance activities and staff.
Since my leaving, the plant has experienced several very expensive plant freeze-ups, due to condensate lines cracking, and plugging product lines attributed to incompetent staff. I heard that everyone from my former maintenance staff went on "light duty" due to various strains, sprains, abrasions and burns. They had to hire contractors to take over.
Did I **** them? No, I merely withdrew my inputs to a company run by a few incompetent imbeciles, likely advised by a STAZI KAREN in HR who hated my guts. If anything, "THEY ****ED ME!" - I loved the challenge of the job. It was essentially a 365 day year job, except when out of the country for the four week vacation that I earned. Yeah, I was a prick, when I needed to be, but I took outstanding care of my employees, and plant. I made decent wages and a nice bonus. (I operate on principles - "I'm not trading my integrity, honor, or dignity for a bag of silver!")
A General Strike - would get the job done in a couple days, if it was performed correctly. If the strike was just a walk out, it might take three or four weeks, because there are likely folks that can't afford to lose one pay check. A worthy subject to think about if one has four weeks vacation remaining on the calendar. Something similar to the "Blue flu"?