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 So You Dislike The Prospect Of Civil War?
Doladin 452 posts, incept 2022-01-15
2024-08-19 07:54:20

To add to the above - one of my persuasion strategies is to convince amenable 'fence-sitters' that VIOLENCE is a fact of human life, that we have outsourced it to the police/military in the West, but it continues to rage around the rest of the world.

Violence is the ultimate law. All laws are backed by violence.

Violence is not cowardly, or beyond moral reproach (which is what the Marxists and the weak righteous types parrot). Violence, or a willingness to, is part of civic duty (which I believe the Founding Fathers were actually very clear about).

I like to tell the sheeple that all it takes is one week without electricity (or water) and you'll be in lord of the flies. It's what happens after a hurricane comes through. It's a thin line between civility and survival.

Also, regarding MLK - I'm pretty sure that he was a CIA or other 3 letter Manchurian pushed by the Marxists to allow 'civil rights' and start our downhill descent into multiculturalism. He was lazy, aggressive, and a full blown wife beater, I highly doubt he could have spearheaded that movement organically. (Also, we'd been judging them by their character all along). Just as Rosa Parks was a publicity stunt (had to sit on the front several times before she could go 'viral'. We know a jew was behind the suffragette success (Bernays). It seems to me that any successful 'velvet revolution' and any protest that gets results is backed by the Government itself or a powerful group, like the BLM vs lockdown marches that garnered very different police responses. All protest (marching) is good for is to get your name on a list.
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