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 Ok, I'll Do It Again
Dingleberry 1k posts, incept 2011-11-06
2023-08-11 08:18:54

Great Ticker.....but could you even imagine the howls, screams, and wailing and gnashing of teeth, led by the esteemed media and the woke mob? You would have nearly every karen and millennial and member of the woke army going ape ****, complete with teacher led student walk outs, the green wackjobs, and so forth.

A few things I would like to see, not sure if the prez could do anything or if it would apply but:

Demand congress thieves (like those in your administration) recuse themselves of all stock trades and such. Not sure how we can get the bribery genie back in the bottle. That is beyond my comprehension. Insider trading has probably caused a LOT of bad political decisions to our collective detriment.

Make free speech great again. Section 230 and whatnot.

End of generational welfare. Not because of the money wasted....but because of the incalculable carnage and loss of human potential and lives. Blue zoos were created by "free" gov money. **** the childrens. They tend grow up to be illiterates, economically useless or criminals and leeches on society anyway. And blame anyone but their breeders. Not their fault. They were made, not born. But this **** has to end. If you can't feed 'em don't breed 'em.

Get rid of any and all federal influence out of public education, at all levels, period. Look at the educational results ffs. Another money pit that grows only more intractable problems.

No diversity hires for ANY position, including the Supreme Court. The few that we have on the bench now are an embarrassment to humanity.

No more pussy passes. Women have to register for the draft. Family courts have to become something besides a feminist den of iniquity and extortion. Equality and whatnot. Marriage will be going extinct in a generation or two if something is not done to stop the dis-incentivization of marriage.
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