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 Engineering .vs. Science Pt 2
Kikknback 2k posts, incept 2020-03-17
2023-01-29 22:15:14

Tickerguy wrote..
Some day we will reach an engineering level of understanding when it comes to medicine, climate, and many other things -- just as we have with chemistry and, at least at the atomic level, physics.
That day is not today, whether we are talking about climate, weather or all manner of biological things around us - including medicine.

We need the principles Engineers use to design to be used in medicine.

We need a "Medicineer" to take the scientists work, once they "think" they have proven their hypothesis is true, and see if the "Medicineer" can design a product with .99999999, and then it can get a "ME" stamp, and have recourse if it kills an individual.

#1 Donald "TROJAN HORSE" Trump; #2 Elon "TROJAN HORSE" Musk; #3 Vivek "TROJAN HORSE&quo
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