5k posts, incept 2021-11-22
2022-01-03 10:47:02
KEi + PEi + Wnc + OEi = KEf + PEf +OEf.
It's that simple. The Law of Conservation of Energy.
Ma Nature is a brutally simple, yet highly effective, machine. She is quite adept at Her job. I flat out laugh at the hubris of man who thinks he can influence Her by action, or lack thereof. She will shake us off Her back same as a dog rids itself of fleas.
That solar, or wind energy, that the masses are so desperate to capture, has a function. It is heating or blowing something. Screw with it at your own peril. Butterfly effect.
Si Vis Pacem, para Bellum
You'll get less than you desire, but more than you deserve