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 The West's Obituary
Great American Patriot Tickerguy 211k posts, incept 2007-06-26
2021-02-13 15:58:23

@Bluebird - There is nothing known that removes not only antibodies but both "B" and "T" cell memory.

Even a complete transfusion replacement of the blood is likely ineffective. A full marrow destruction/transplant operation similar to that used in attempted leukemia treatment MIGHT work but the risk of that killing you outright is extremely high and you need the match from the other person (the donor) who hasn't had the shot.

This has to be stopped before enough penetration occurs to be worth it for someone to use that sort of weapon.

"Perhaps you can keep things together and advance playing DIE games.
Or perhaps the truth is that white men w/IQs >= 115 or so built all of it and without us it will collapse."

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