1k posts, incept 2010-03-03
2020-05-16 12:29:58
@Purplefang, I believe that was a subject in a Brad Thor book. Some good releases a super deadly virus on the world with the goal to depopulate the earth, particularly of the undesirables. They put the cure to the virus in the annual flu vaccine.
Would not surprise me if like that eventually happens.
Good luck getting to the truths regarding WuFlu, a whole lot of political squawking right now so everyone looks good, meanwhile behind the scenes China is telling everyone to not push it too much else they spill the beans on all the foreign research poured into the Wuhan Lab that could not be legally done in the USA or Europe ...paging Dr Fauci.
'Power, like the reproductive muscle, longs to be exercised, often without judgement or right' - Gerry Spence
"Above all, while defending our own vital interests, nuclear powers