2k posts, incept 2007-09-10
"I decided after some fairly-careful analysis that I can accomplish close enough to all of what I intend from a standpoint of not feeding the beast without doing that, and still might accomplish some good in the process."
Well said Karl, and I'm glad you are keeping the lights on.
Watch out for the 'bail in' theft which is likely to appear your side of the Pond as well (the unelected EU Commission passed legislation to 'do a Cyprus' Europe wide, this past August 1st).
I'm finally getting through to dad on this, and he's now happy to become fairly pro-active (just bought a half way stage car towards getting an almost new one next March/April, plus is going to get the grounds redone to be low/easy maintenance asap - also trying to get him to do a 'granny flat' extension to make things as comfortable for him as possible at his age, as we can't talk him into moving and downsizing).
Good luck all (we are going to need it, but this too shall pass - it always does).
PS. Don't forget that 'Draining the Swamp' is as important as 'Starving the Beast'. *grins*
If the State was a Nanny, it would have been fired for incompetence, unreliability, and having its hands in the till, a very long time ago now.